100/200 PLO semi-standard spot math guys advice needed :)

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100/200 PLO semi-standard spot math guys advice needed :)

BB: Ilari FIN: $25590
CO: tjbentham: $18595
BN: mikki696: $19097
SB: Domce: $11060
Preflop ($300.00) (4 Players)
Domce was dealt A 6 A 2
tjbentham raises to $600, mikki696 calls $600, Domce raises to $2600, Ilari FIN folds, tjbentham calls $2000, mikki696 calls $2000
Flop ($8100.00) 9 5 7 (3 Players)

Hello guys, I wanted to discuss a hand I played recently. Both tjbentham & mikki696 are known regulars in high stakes PLO. At first I was happy with the decision I made in this spot, however still would like to clear it out as this hand popped to my head few times. If we decide to check/decide on this flop, what are our options? Looking forward to your comments.

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