100 - Ugly Deep HU Spot

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100 - Ugly Deep HU Spot

Link to hand: http://wt.ag/1jbi1Sd

V is a 6max reg who occasionally plays HU mostly to start tables. He gii to wide sometimes and can be really spewy/ overbluffing a lot. He likes to bluff catch as well.

It's a ante table so defending this hand in bb is ok-isch I guess. His cbet otf is 74, which I think is a bit to high. I think my hand is a little to weak to flat so I decided to x/r. Turn is std. River is where it gets interesting. I think it's a clear vbet since I have the nut kicker and he is calling with any 3, maybe looking me up with AA or K, even though I am blocking one of the aces. I think bet folding hurts but is the right play. 

What do you think guys?


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Johnny167 10 years, 10 months ago

I think bet folding river is good, because I don't think villain is bluffing given stacks, and is rarely value raising worse.

I think the x/r on flop is marginal because your hand is very disconnected and has poor backdoors. Maybe JT83ss or KQ87ss is better?

Loser from PLO50

Teddy 10 years, 10 months ago

Think you should check-call once unimproved from the flop with that hand and cr draws and good made hands instead.

You need some hands that are going to c-c once as well and can bluff river if he checks back.

I think I'd rather bet a bit smaller with range on the river if you are going to have stuff like this in it.

I think noone folds when I jam as a bluff in his spot, so you probably can, unless he is as spewy as me :P

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