100 - multiple decisions vs solid reg

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100 - multiple decisions vs solid reg

Villain is a solid reg playing in the same games on a daily basis also a RIO member so I can't go in detail, tendencies, etc. 

I think flop can go either way, I see it as standard. What do you think about turn and particularly are we calling the shove otr?



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Aleksandra ZenFish 10 years, 6 months ago

On turn, your hand is having nice showdown value and is medium strength, i would prefer check, check call to bet, building big pot OOP  with mediocre holding is thing to avoid.

Checking won't induce anything you wil be uncomfortable with, as you are now twice after a reraise and on the river .

themightyjim 10 years, 6 months ago

I would prefer x/c'ing the turn instead of lead calling unless you have a plan to induce (which you may based on the fact that you seem to know villain and prefer not to provide reads).

The problem I see with the turn play is that your perceived range for leading the turn doesn't contain many boats.  Your turn lead seems to rep mostly 4x, FDs without strong SD value, and overpairs that don't want to give up a free card.  So I think villain can raise all boats, all A4, and maybe K4, and can raise double FDs planning on deciding whether to get value or bluff depending on the river.

Of course if you led with the intention of bluff catching expecting villain to attack your capped range (because you have a read) then you got what you wanted and now you need to call down.

I think readless I call flop and turn, and either x/f for x/r river depending on villains likeliness to bet wide for value and bluff frequently on the river.  X/r would require a read that villain would b/f AA on the river and might fold some 4x.  Most villains at this level are unlikely to value bet AA, and whether or not they'll fold 4x is questionable.  The Q certainly doesn't help.

anguss6757 10 years, 6 months ago


you say he's a solid reg then this leads questions :

A- how often are you leading OTF ? (% donkbet)
on what type of texture your leading ?
are you in your mind balanced on your leading ?

if you're balanced and have some check raise too in your moves, leading here seems pretty good. Lot of "bad" turns and we wants to grow up the pot with not many cards to improve our hand.

B - how many times do you defend your BB calling pF vs an CO OR in a situation like that -> HU situation closing action preflop.

C - what is your 3betpct on the BB and typicaly versus LP steal ?

all the points gives informations on what villain here have in perception of your range/hand.

if your calling in that situation a strong range, you rarely hit powerful's hands and if you have "high" donk betting range on the flop, you also could have some draws here, typicaly rundowns, medium or high FD,...

if your 3betting your high pairs like KK/AA the 4d is a good card for an overpair on his range JJ-AA.

if your calling on BB a realy solid range your equity on this flop is highly polarized and more on the turn.

telling he's a RIO member is ok but what do you know about is agression on the diferent streets ?
you have only a bluff catcher OTR and do you think regarding his tendencies its enough to call ? => without informations it's pretty clearly impossible to say it

""thinking"" GTO and using some maths who are on the Janda's Book

he have to have in his bet range OTT close to 51.5% of VB and also have to bet to be clean in his move, 74.5% OTR.

and on his 74.5% betting range OTR 70%~ have to be value

on this bet sizing OTR we have to defend calling him with our best 30% range (bluff catchers)

unless we are pretty sure he is not agressive IP/River and have a high checking back range with valuable hands 4x without full, overpair and thinking he rarely turn as a bluff a miss draw+something, we need to make the call here.

it's not a clear call obvisously but and he could hit a 2 outers with this queen or have aces too but i think versus an agressive player and again if some of the points asked first "validate" the thinking calling turn to fold river doesn't realy make sense imo

thewizz 10 years, 6 months ago

first of u lead the flop, i think thats ok. 

i dont know to much about the player (solid reg ), but i think on de flop when ur betting, he probably would raise it with top 2 pair or better because of the many draws, and he could raise some strong draws to get u of a hand that u have right now , or just to get it in with his big draw, but hes calling, and thats what he could do with alot of hands, 

i think u got a good chance to have the best hand now, because he called u on the flop, exept for like some AA hands or 3/4

now on the turn ur leading again, and hes raising u, now i stil dont know that much about the player, but in general he is not raising with A/A/x/x , or a draw with the intention to call ur all in and might have him drawing dead, i think he rather would call there to see a turn in pos. he could be bluffing, or changed a bad draw ( low flusch draw ) ( open ended straight draw) into a bluf, he could also have the 4 with a good kicker, and hes deciding that u could have al lot of hands there to, and his 4 could be good, i dont think hes got a boat, because i dont think hes calling the flop with that many draws and then to raise the turn with the boat, mayby the only hand he could do that with is 3/4 but iam stil not sure, i think he could play some blufs here and could play some 4's and mayby some 3/4.

i think u could find a fold on the turn, but i rather check/call, then raise/fold, just because ur OOP and he makes it hard to play against, and he very well could have the 4, but i dont dislike ur cal, if u think hes capable to bluf raise the turn, because u could easely donkbett like 5/6/7/8 or some 10's and some other not that strong combonations. 

he raising u to 31 and u have to call 20 for an pot that = 58,50, u getting almost 3:1, u could find a call there , there enough good rivers for u , if u expect he could bluf u

when ur calling his raise, and the rivers shows an Q there's nothing that really changed his hand, so if u find the call on the turn u got to call him down on the river, beceause of ur read on the turn !

and ur getting more the 2:1 now.

if u dont like the position u just came in, its better to have a plan if raised , and dont think of the situation when i happens, other then the river fold , i thinked u played it ok, if u want some more control fo the pot , check/call the turn. and then decide on the river.

sorry for my englisch...

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