1 free hour of plo coaching for anyone who can help me with pt4

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1 free hour of plo coaching for anyone who can help me with pt4

I recently switched to mac and I had to switch from hm to pt4 because hm doesn't run on mac(ridiculous...).

1. I can't seem to find a useful stat that I liked to use in hm on pt4. When you clicked on a players stats, the pop up would have stat: bet vs missed cbet(in and out of position). I'm looking for the equivalent on pt4.

2. Also I would like the stat(I couldn't find it on hm either) for how the original pf raiser reacts to bets when he fails to cbet (in and out of pos).

The first one to adequately find each of the stats will get 30 min. If you find both...1 hour.

Good luck!


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BotOnTilt 10 years, 5 months ago

On the PT4 website they say that they use the term "float" for this. Sounds very confusing to me, since I've always understood that as calling a bet with the intention to steal the pot. Its explained in more detail in this thread, and I guess the default pop-up already has those stats. I highlighted them for your convenience :)

So if I understood their comments correctly, that should answear questions 1 & 2. Unfortunately I have very few hands on my PT4 on my Mac, so couldn't verify that those stats seem legit. Maybe you can check if they seem correct on your end if you can compare them with HEM2 stats? 

PT Thread:

In poker terminology a float is a call with the intent to bet later to take the pot down if the opponent shows weakness. We can't know a player's intentions when he makes a call but we can know when he makes a bet after his opponent shows weakness - so in PokerTracker terminology we call that bet into weakness the Float Bet.


skandalous 10 years, 5 months ago

I think we have a winner! Good job. I am unclear about one thing though. In the pt4 thread, they called it a float in position and a probe when out of position. I can't find any stat called probe bet so is turn float the oop stat? 

Anyways I'm confident we will figure it out so PM sent.

superT 10 years, 5 months ago

Turn float tells how often we bet when PFR cbets flop, we call IP and he checks to us on turn.

Probe bet turn (or something similar) is the % at which we lead the turn after PFR checks back on the flop. Similarly I've understood river probe bet to be when we check/call a flop cbet and then lead river after PFR checks back turn.

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