1-2-5 Live PLO bottom set on flop
Posted by Joe Monge
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Joe Monge
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Mid Stakes
1-2-5 Live PLO bottom set on flop
SB (350$)
Button (Hero) 500$
Limps around to me on the button with 2445 DS, I open to 25$ and everyone on table calls.
pot(150$)Flop 4c6sQh
Checks around hero bets 80$.
SB fold BB raises to 210$ folds back to hero.
BB tight reg, I have been opening 80% of buttons, 3 betting 50% of buttons. Have not seen villain 3bet pre. 4 hours into the table. My CB% is 75%, I think he has been observant and noticed how many pots I have been taking down otf after preflop aggression.
Is B/F too passive/exploitable in this spot?
My thinking is that I block alot of combo draws he could have, and call preflop with. Also I feel like a potsized bet is not necessary to make me fold my missed cb's.
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I think its an easy bet/get it in after you decide to raise pre. You also have a gutshot and at least 1 bdfd in the cases somebody has higher set
As played, you have a set+gs+bdfd w/ an SPR of 3 and an aggressive image. How is this anything but a bet/snap call.
I understand the logic of "hey you raise with this hand, hit a set, how can you fold here with these stacks??"
I dunno, I just think the WORST he has in this spot is 66 or maybe even a loose defend with 5723 or 5789, 3578 type wrap? ds? Tough but seems like his hand is just so strong in this spot so much of the time. The fact that its a rainbow board makes his raise even stronger. I agree with overbet that raising pre is prolly not the best line to take, what I dont udnerstand is if you decide to raise pre, why not full pot?
It would be really great if someone would input the villains range (sets and wraps?) and see how it plays vs your bottom set, gutter, and runner runner flush).
The fact that hes solid tight and observant changes stuff a LITTLE, but I don't think its enough to justify getting it in.
I play similar live games as you, Joe.
Eager to hear other views as well as responses.
As played what does pot bet do as opposed to 80? Folds out hands I have great equity against and nearly commits me on this board, or loses me an extra 70. Seems like I compound the pre raise if I pot/get it in here? But I could have this all wrong, just the logic I used
Also you state "if i knew 5 would have called pre I would have folded" But in my opinion it seems that you are incentivizing them to call with that small of a raise, whereas a full pot bet is a bit more likely to result in some folds?
*note* I just started playing PLO, so my opinion is.....lol =)
When its checked to you on this board and you bet bottom set, what hands will call and what hands can raise? Its pretty easy to see what hands can raise unless villian would do this with AAxx and think he is playing it tricky preflop (and this is possible). But most likely QQ and 66 are the hands that raise. I think 357x hands will call OOP unless their stack sizes are small and they can just get it in or figure they are going to have to call a turn bet so why not take a shot at a semi-bluff and take it down here.
Villian is a tight reg that didnt 3 bet the whole day. He may play AA this way but that doesnt make up for the times you will be drawing dead. I also dont see him raising a straight draw hand here either and I dont see him even showing up with those cards anyways. I expect 6678 6689 type hands or big QQJT type hands.
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