WSOP 1500 2-7 TD hand
Posted by Apoth
Hey guys,
Don't really have much 2-7 TD experience (like <1k hands) but decided to jump in the 1500 cause what the hell.
Anyway, the hand in question is pretty deep. Nearish the money. 36 paid and I want to say about 42 were left at this point.
I probably have a ~25th stack.
I've never really written a 2-7 HH before so be patient.
It folds to my SB and I open 732xx and the BB (who seems good) calls. I draw 2. He draws 2.
I pull high cards and check. He checks back.
We both draw 2.
I pull 9/4 and bet. He raises. I call.
This is the spot where I'm really torn. I assume when he raises he's almost always going 2 to pat. Am I supposed to break my 9/7/4/3/2 here? What are my other options?
I ended up breaking and pulling a Queen. I checked and he showed down 97543. (FML).
Thanks guys.
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If you play a game where you have little experience, do you consider how high up in your range you are? This shoud give you an idea about how likely he is to raise worse for value or to induce you into breaking up the best hand.
You can weight probabilities to him having a better hand/having a worse hand/having a draw/be snowing. The cost of breaking up your hand against a worse hand is quite high, whereas drawing isn't that profitable either way.
Did you think in terms like this, or more in terms of 'what would an expert 2-7 TD player do'?
I don't know much about 2-7 beyond the basics, but this seems like a poor break. You are leading (at least) all 1 card 9s and pat Js (potentially 1 card Ts) as well as some bluffs (22337 etc.) to snow. When he raises, he usually has a pat hand, although it can easily be a reasonably rough one hoping to induce a mistake from you/for straight value (T8 looks pretty good in his spot I'd think). For that reason, I would have patted and then check/sigh-called I think (although maybe you could check/fold figuring villain won't v-bet a bad 9 or turn a T into a bluff after you pat, I don't know).
But yeah, I'm basically just spit-balling here so dunno how much help that makes me o.O
Actually I think you're pretty much correct Tom...I guess he was trying to get OP to break the kind of hand he has....and he has the luxury of seeing what OP will do first being i/p It's also possible he has got a monster draw (72234 or something) but OP says he's good so that's not as likely. My initial thought was same as you; call; x/c and prob hate life...
Any reasonable hand could raise here...trying to get you to break and take a cheap showdown if they wanted...
I suspect there could be an argument for 3 betting here and folding to a 4 bet; as I wouldn't think too many people are going to 4 bet/snow against an unknown player in a limit game...
I would think that 3-bet/folding w/ a 974 would be a f***ing disaster 'cas we could 3-bet/call, break to the best one card draw in the game. But yes, obv we couldn't 3-bet/call/pat/call as that would be MASSIVE spew.
Okay so my thought process was essentially this:
This guy had been fairly tight and I hadn't seen a snow the entire tournament (and this is like level 15 or something). So between his tightness and the lack of snows by the entire field I felt like the odds of him snowing was quite small and the odds of him having a 1 card draw were also quite small.
I feel like I'm up against a 2 to pat range here almost always.
I was a little unsure of exactly what a 2 to pat range comprised of. I think it pretty clearly contains all the hands that beat me and then presumably the rest of the 9xxxx hands. I'm not entirely sure how many Txxxx hands it has in general and especially this guy in particular. He was getting low-ish on chips and while he wasn't super short or anything we were nearish to the bubble and I thought he may not want to put himself in a spot to lose multiple big bets. I thought if he'd made some Txxxx or Jxxxx hands he might just call, wait to see if I break and pat if I do and then break the Jxxxx ones if I did and sometimes pat the Tx ones back.
The last thing I considered was that I have a number of hands in my range which I cannot break. [T6543, 96543, 23459 etc] while this one has 12 outs to better and 3 to the same hand out of 41 remaining cards. Additionally, (and I'm not entirely sure how to quantify this) the fact that it folded to my small blind should help me here as it should mean that a large number of the 20 dead cards are > 9.
Anyway, that's why I ended up breaking. I guess it was a mistake. Thanks for your help guys. I appreciate it.
Again, purely spit-balling here although I am enjoying thinking about a game I don't play very often.
Yea I mean I'm not 100% sure here this is just me sort of brainstorming and I'm not particularly concerned as there is no 2-7 TD in my immediate future I just thought it was interesting.
Definitely appreciate the feedback though
Your thinking here is strong and your analysis on what his range "should" be is actuallv very good. Unfortunately this hand is just a little too good when you factor in 1. How many 98s and worse 97s are in the range you thought he may have, and 2. The chance that he could be playing either bad or exploitive, meaning raising too often here, or more likely raising hands worse than yours in an attempt to make you break your hand, yet freezing with hands better so you won't break
This hand is just too high up in our range to break, even if we don't think he's raising worse than a 9 (which is untrue for most players), I think we still have to call/pat and try to show down. I could see breaking T7432 but think that is pretty close. 97432 isn't close IMO
I agree with Brian here. We are pretty high up our range from 2 discards. I would call-pat here, and likely check-call, or check- re-evaluate river, like if I had some live tell, or if it was a close/important ICM bubble spot. What do you think the bb would be doing here with rough unbreakable hands like 109853? I think he would still be raising those on the turn. I think a lot of the time/too much of the time here if we break he is just going to be showing up with something like 98762 and other bad 9s or even some 10s.
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