Who do you think is a better coach?
Posted by hardsinx
I am a microlimit player and I am in doubt between studying the material of these two coach's > Matthew Janda's (Book Applications of no limit hold'em) or Adam Jones "w34z3l" ?
I was studying the two preflop material and I found it very similar but it has a lot of different things, I was in doubt about which to follow
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Fwiw, applications is an awesome book and worth a read either way. Janda really helped me formulate a decent amount of my thought processes earlier in career.
Depends mostly on the relationship between the coach and player. There is no best coach. Some people are mathematical, some are musical, some are intuitive, etc.
When choosing a coach (I have had many, not just poker) the most important thing I look for is character. What are his values. Who is he. I am attracted to coaches that are currently expressing some part of myself that is at the moment temporally dormant in myself. Working with the coach helps wake that part of me up.
Follow your bliss. If you love your coach and he loves you, your both committed, you have fun together. . . .that's what I am looking for
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