Whitch pot are you playing for? Hi, low or both? - Low stakes
Posted by Julio Jimenez
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Julio Jimenez
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Omaha 8
Whitch pot are you playing for? Hi, low or both? - Low stakes
what if he has the same risky proyect?
i think the tell that give us information is the pre floop bet, specially in this stakes! its bigger with a "back up", in this case a low proyect like A2 - A5,
i will appreciate all your coments
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Nut lows are much weaker than nut highs, because as you said, they can be duplicated and you can get quartered.
For preflop play focus on hands like suited A2 or A3, A34x, A2KJ, double suited A wheel, AQQ3 and so on.
Seeing a flop with very good high hands multiway is also fine, something like QQTTss is pretty strong, as is like AQKTss
A current major leak in today's games still seem to be players chasing nut lows, even runner-runner nut lows. It basically means you can value bet your hi-hand almost as thinly as you would in NLHE against certain players if there is no completed nut-lo on board.
You can go to war with hands which have excellent potential in both directions such as Ah3h4Q on a board of 25hKh for the nut flush draw + a wheel wrap + the nut low draw with counterfeit protection. Even against KKXX for top set you're a favourite to win.
That being said, you'll want to play a set cautiously on a turn with brought a 3rd low card if you don't have a low yourself. Theres always a chance that you're being freerolled by somebody with a made low + a straight or flush draw for a high.
There are many times when you are going for just the low, while planning on putting pressure on your opponent once you make it, in such a way that it is difficult for them to call with mediocre two way hands, or strong high hands with no low.
An example would be: HU pot in position. You call the flop cbet with bare low draw. Turn completes the low and you call again. River completes the flush draw. You shove/bet big/raise big.
Massive amounts of equity are gained in this game by putting pressure on your opponents in the right spots. Many times just being the first to bet/shove will gain you tons of value.
Hand reading is vital to making these types of plays, due to the possibility of getting quartered.
Agree with those NOT saying 1-way.
In GENERAL, particularly for newer players to the game an easier, effective, money-making (Beastie-boys jingle enhanced) strategy would be to do just that - play nutty A2 hands w/backup. Stuff like A23, A24/5, etc.. preferably double suited, and preferably with a good high combo card, or pair aside from the A2 sometimes A3.
However, this isn't maximizing equity and is too simple to just say play this way all of the time. There is definite spots when it is profitable to enter - particularly in position when it's cheap to limp behind with stuff like double suited, connected broadway cards, two big pairs, etc.. We can charge the draws and/or sometimes lockup half the pot against 2 or sometimes even 3 players with same nut low hand...
Safe way to play initially would be yes just one way nutty Ace/Wheel combo hands.
People play too loose in all variants of 08 - especially chasing low draws (as mentioned above by w34znl).
If playing limit I would stick to suited A2 type hands. I prefer something like A23Kss or A24Qss. These type of hands will give you a good change to scoop and you can also value bet/semi bluff/call on high only boards. Often you'll find "good" players attacking high only boards with very marginal hands simply because the texture is not "good" for the hands that should be calling...
With that said - in Limit I think your value comes from value betting rather than trying to represent hands or push people off one way hands as folks rarely fold in limit.
However, if you are playing PLO8 or NLO8 then you can be a little bit looser in your pre-flop hand selection. I still like to stick to the same basic type of hands that I would be playing in LO8 but you can also play one way hands and marginal 2 ways hands much stronger. As mentioned above by Abu Nazir you will gain lots of equity by locking up half of the pot with a nut low (or better yet an uncounterfeitable nut low) and then pushing hard when "obvious" draws come in and also the not so obvious but scary cards like the board pairing or straightening out.
Also, you can gain lots of equity in PL/NL O8 by identifying the players who are willing to call big bets on the river with one way hands and those that are willing to fold. You'd be surprised how often someone will call you down with a bare low like 2nd or 3rd nut low (or worse) thinking they will get "at least half" and you will scoop them with a hand like A238 that has a pair and a nut low.
What hands can we go to war with? My favorite hands to get stacks in are made nut lows with flush draws/straight draws/sets/2 pair/pair + draw. Example is Ah2h3c4c on an 5h2c8h flop. Almost impossible to not get at least 3/4 of this pot if not the whole thing by the river.
Just remember - just like in PLO you always want a back up when the bets get big. It's not usually a good play to get stacks in with just a bare nut low or high only hand on a low board. Also, the same holds true in multi-way pots. It's very easy to get quartered when there is a lot of action and you have a one way only hand. But this is mostly for PL/NL O8 games as getting quartered in a limit game is normally just for a few BBs whereas in PL/NL it can be for your whole stack.
Coby Wright
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