Where is the most money in SNG atm?

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Where is the most money in SNG atm?

Hi I'm an avid pokerplayer looking to improve and become the best at certain forms of poker.

Because cashgame hasn't been going too well, I like to switch the variation of poker I play. I don't really like the variance of MTTs, like not cashing 100 times in a row and then suddenly winning 500 Buyins, I think I wouldn't have enough motivation for that sort of grinding, I'm also a player who gets kinda bored after playing for 2-3 hours.

Also PLO hasn't been my thing, I really had a hard time winning and also the way of thinking in PLO is really hard and ranges are soooo hard to construct in your head, so ya it's really not my thing. So the only things that are left are Limit Hold'em and SNGs. Limit is dying out so I don't like that.

Ya and I also like action (I am a little bit of a gambler) that's why I am attracted a bit to Hypers and Spin and Goes, but especially in Spins the rake is really high so I am not really sure if it's worth it.

So yea my options are basically:
-Hyper Satellites+maybe grinding STT at the side?
-18 mans

What do you think is the most profitable variant I could choose also given my tendencies?


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