Typical win rate in Pineapple OFC?
Posted by joomorrow
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Open Face Chinese
Typical win rate in Pineapple OFC?
What is a good win rate in Pineapple OFC (in term of points/game)?
Is there any way to benchmark your skill level and compare with other players in the world? For example, when you play in the ABC Poker app, what could be a realistic win rate after 2000 games vs the computer, if you are:
1. An average player
2. A strong, experienced player
3. A world class player
Also, what is a typical Fantasy Land completion % of good players (to see if I'm playing too aggressively/conservatively for FL or not)?
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Bumb. No one has any experience or insights for this?
its not that nobody has any experience, its just that your question is not specific enough to give a good answer. And playing vs the bot(ABC), is useless in my opinion.
OFC has been solved already, and its just a matter of remembering the correct strategy during the different situations...so in other words..playing vs a "real" bot, ur lose-rate(most likely) would be the EV of your mistakes vs the perfect bot play.
Typical completion is easy to check, just search online for that number.
Skill would be minimum mistakes and best strategic and tactical decisions(during tournament).
OFC has been solved already?
Can you give me some resources about this?
Any bots of program is ok.
I don't think my question is that "unspecific". It's similar to asking how to judge your win rate in NLHE, where we all agree that ~2bb/100 online or ~5bb/h live is some good/realistic benchmark for a solid winning player.
Playing vs the bot is not useless, unlike in PLO/NLHE... where most of your decisions are opponent-dependent. In OFC, only a few of them are.
OFC has not been solved afaik. I've used openfacesolutions for ages and they only provide solutions for the last few streets. Some other bots are just terrible, especially the First Five.
Typical completion is NOT easy to check. I have found some answers online but most of them are personal anecdotes. If you can better sources, feel free to post them here.
I forgot the name, sorry. but google it. should be readily available.
PS i should maybe have mentioned its $$$
openfacesolutions. dont know if its allowed to promote stuff here so..at least im not gonna give u a link.
Join me at https://tronsuperstars.cc/ the best OFC platform ever! Uses cryptocurrency TRON, has dividends (you can "own" a piece of the company) and many frequent contests! Hit me up on telegram at https://t.me/TRONSTARS Oh and you can even play it for free on Training tables! (there are more games there too like Durak and Rock Paper Scissors, super cool)
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