Things that tilt you in live poker...
Posted by ralphykid67
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Live Poker
Things that tilt you in live poker...
A few of mine:
-When the fish raises, gets 3-bet, then goes "how much to me?" and fumbles around trying to figure out how much more to put in to call. Wtf man. Put out the 3-bet amount and pull back ur bet. Or go back to 3rd grade math class.
-Fish looks at the clock to confirm what level it is, grabs chips to assemble raise, looks back at clock, then proceeds to make it like 6x. This whole process feels like it takes about a full minute.
I have a few more that all fall into the category of "poorly run poker rooms/terrible floor staff". That actually tilts me more than any player action.
Let's hear some!
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I get tilted from anyone who stalls the game. Live poker is already incredibly boring and slow, so please don't make it even more so. Also weak regs/nits making fun of fish and who talk as if they were famous pros.
I have to say that if i have a bit of a decision to make, then I will take a little time to evaluate and then to make a calm decision. I don't have a real problem with others doing the same tbh. I find that the dealers are already trying to gently speed up the game (more hands=more rake) so in a tough spot i purposely slow things down a little.
I can't say I really tilt over anything, but I do ensure that other players are following general rules. For example, a few times I have seen a player fold and then show his cards to his buddy who is sitting beside him. In this case, I will ask the dealer to ask the player to show everyone.
I always make sure to have fun though, so no matter how it goes I find that I am pretty even keeled over the course of my game.
Doesn't really tilt me, but I guess it tilts the other players quite a bit. I can't count how many times I've witnessed dealers misreading showdowns (especially on multiple-runout PLO boards) and pushing the pot to the wrong player all the way through. And majority of the time no one at the table bats an eye, which is absolutely crazy. Why casinos allow players to run 4-way PLO board three times when they haven't properly trained their dealers for that is beyond me. Anyway, if I see shenanigans going down I always interfere and make sure the right thing is done. This seems to create a full range of emotions, it tilts the losing end to a point where I've been cursed at and shouted at, threatened in foreign languages or at the very least gotten to hear moral stories for hours on about how I am not supposed to interfere if I didn't play in the pot. On the flip side, the winning end I make friends with, I get some good restaurant recommendations or business advices, and have even gotten quite a bit some cash left to me (last time it happened I got like 60bb at 2/5 left to me when the table was breaking up).
tldr: paying attention to other people pots + being fair and honest and is EV+, 10/10 would recommend.
Didn't want to come out so negatively about the poker dealers so I want to say that there are some absolutely amazing dealers out there, a good dealer can speed up a game by at least 30% and double the overall enjoyment of the game - when they don't need to be supervised on every action they do, you get to interact with other players much more and have a much better time. The right formula is to have a good enough salary to attract the right kind of people and to get casinos to actually invest into proper employee training instead of relying on cameras to fix the mess they do. That being said, I've played a couple times in Sweden, and then played some cash games during Swedish Championship in Malta, and I found Swedish dealers to be hands-down the best in the world. My guess is that they get paid decently enough, because of an extremely low wage gap in Sweden, and also get properly trained because casinos are run by the government and regulation is tight. So yeah, shout out to all Swedish dealers, keep it up guys :)! For anyone that's still reading, here a piece of inside information on their training routines from what I can remember - before getting the job, they actually have a pool of candidates for paid training for 3weeks+, during which they compete in various exercises, like timed hand reading, rake calc and pot-raise calc and of course to complete them as accurately as possible. In the end the best candidates get selected.
when I go allin ask to run it twice and the other player starts thinking.... what are you thinking motherf* xD I don't ask anymore! If someone wants to RIT i do, but If they don't say anything me neither! xD
Maybe he was trying to think if he's ahead or not and by how much, usually when a player who's ahead RIT he cuts a chunk his EV out (due to card removal). Wouldn't say it's significant, and many people still prefer to sac a 0.5% EV to reduce variance.
Lately my biggest pet peeve is when someone is all-in and a player says "good luck" before anyone even calls.
I wouldn't mind, it indicates quite a bit of weakness. Players who get strong hands tend to sway away from talking about their hand strength, or try they to say something that weakens it, this one is complete opposite.
I think you've misunderstood. Let's say it folds to CO short stack with 12bbs and he open shoves. A player who has already folded from MP now says "good luck" the moment that CO is declared all in. MP isn't involved. He's merely throwing out a premature "good luck" which is often a JINX lol.
In that case, that's a big no no, dealer should give him a warning and after that orbit penalties and after that, if he's still doing it, should be removed from the table.
Semi-private games where casino lets one player(whale) pick who gets to play!
I get tiltled when i am shown a bluff by a fish and the whole table sniggers.
Slow dealers!!!
Repetitive tank folds. Just FN fold already
Live MTTs I will call the clock no problem. Once I see the pattern developing of tanking of no reason: CLOCK. In my experience it's always bad players who are just attention seeking.
Lol in live tournaments, say the blinds are 100-200 and someone throws in a 1k chip and makes it 400. When it’s on the big blind and he asks “is the raise to 1000?” And the dealer says “no it’s 400” and the guy just folds anyways. Like if you weren’t gonna call a min raise then why ask how much??? Tilts my brains out for some reason
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