stud hi-lo spot

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stud hi-lo spot

I am dealt A35r where pre flop raiser shows aggression after 4th card is dealt. It's HU now, but it is 10 games Tournament.
I was given 5 for my one pair.
Also, I don't know is my opponent drawing to hi or low as I see his 2 and 9, so he must have been drawing to high...
Is it good spot to fold here as now I only depend on 5, don't know whether A would be good enough?
Furthermore, I need 2 low cards out of 3 remaining for low - and I am not sure I am in good spot here...

Your thoughts are appreciated... Thanks.

edit: I just saw there is stud tab, but I haven't seen it before. This is 10 games hand, so I hope it's not big mistake.

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