Positional bb/100 in FLO8

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Positional bb/100 in FLO8

Hello everyone.
I would like to know what is good positional winrate for FLO8 (3 to 6 handed)

My current data shows after 3k hands (i admit sample is too small tho),
Pos Winrate VPIP
BB -10/100 55
SB -11/100 53
EP 13.5/100 19
MP -13/100 19
CO -3/100 24
BN 38.6/100 40
Overall 2.8bb/100

What is desirable winrate for every position for 6-max game?
It seems currently figure of BB is too good, so i expect it to drop sooner or later, but up to how much is ok?
I want to target 4-5bb/100 given the stakes i play.

My current VP/PFR is 40/19.



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JCJordypants 8 years ago

TBH I think people put way too much importance in stats like these, rather than looking specifically at win rate I would look through your database for particular spots that you struggle with and plugging leaks that way.

Plus 3K hands for a positional winrate review is just far too few hands, you'll probably need at least 10x that before we start to see anything that could be accurate.

Gideon 7 years, 10 months ago


Please excuse my brash response however this is my 1st post EVER in any forum, so please be kind.

I think you asked a great questions, it's one I ponder with myself daily. I have a similar graph that I can reference on my playing computer to confirm however I think you'r in great shape! I think your Big Blind winrate may be a shade high but then again in FL HI/LO that's understandable with the wide range of hands you could receive and if your playing a stake or 2/4 for example ppl will give you a lot of opportunities to steal a pot later in the hand. In my humble opinion 4/5 BB/100 is very spot on, I state this because i also have around 5-7k hands and I'm in a similar zone. I also should point out that I consider myself just "OK" at FL hi/lo with many things still to learn. I think the stake level has a lot to do with this as well. I play the majority of my sessions from 2/4-5/10 with some out layers however I think in those zones you can certainly maintain what your seeing.

Another thing to point out is although JCJordypants brings up a great point about your sample size I don't think that advise applies to FL HI/LO as much as it would to say a NL holdem or PLO type game. Depending upon your style (you induce higher variance or shy away from it based on your situational plays) I think a 5k or 10k sample size for Fixed Limit Hi/Lo (only this style) will give you a fairly good indicator of what to expect. I would think you may float up or down 1-2 BB/100 over your career as your skill adjusts to the competition either in a good way or bad. I can say this my results have been steady the entire time, and in a FL split pot game i don't expect to see large variance due to the nature of this type of game. But then again "Large Variance" is a relative term.

I know I plan on being better each set of 10k hands I play and I think you probably do to so just keep in mind you'll be better tomorrow than you are today!

Please let me know your opinion as I would love to hear it! This is my favorite version of poker and seems to be the least understood and or talked about. I hope we can get a great discussion going about this game!

Looking forward to your feedback!

okopon 7 years, 10 months ago

Thank you guys for the comments.

I might should have posted my database instead, but thought knowing desirable winrates gives me some reference to start out.

Gideon, glad to hear you started out!
Given std dev is around 35, (in my database) after palyng 10k hands, 95% confidence interval will be (your wanrate +-7bb). So if you are +4-+5bb/100 winning player, you are likely a winning player.

I love the variant and would like to learn to become a good player. Actually, as I expect to chop most of the time, this game is less stressful than other games (I admit there are people saying completely opposite of it!). But for me, taking 80%<20% is tougher than taking 65%=35% on regular basis.

I am playing 1/2 and not finding great success yet. Comparing to NLHE, there is very limited learning resources and putting opponent on range is really hard, I havent found good way to study about the game.
I would love to hear how you got better after initiation (like after first 10k or 20k hands).

Best of luck!

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