Need some help for those spots
Posted by tenor75013
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Need some help for those spots
I had lot of spots that I would like to discuss with you but one thread is not enaugh
Here are somes:
In the moment I thought that I was good with my K high vs his sb open shove range...what do you think about the call to loose? What is your calling range here?
In game I thought " I have 9BB PUSH" but I think It is too wide...I explain myself : he have no fold equity and I think it is better to push "any two" with fold equity than to push 55 when you for sure called...dunno..what you think?
6 handed at FT OBV a call right?? lol I'm not that sure anymore...What about ICM here??
Last hand
Do you guys see that as standard? would some fold and why? had no read on villain
I am impatient to read your thought
If anyone of you would like to add me on skype to discuss spot or creat/join a study group PM me
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all standard
do you really think N2 is standard? can you develop?
n3 super easy call.
n2 can be a fold vs really tight openers but will usually show a small profit versus most players
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