Live holding me back but still supporting financially...

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Live holding me back but still supporting financially...

I have this strong opinion that live 2/5 NL is very tough to beat in any other way other than being mostly a nit.
I could go on & on about why this is, but the short version is that the fish just do not get out of the way preflop and there are then many multi-way pots. Most of everything I've learned about poker always has to do with dealing with 1 opponent and the added dynamic of a 2nd opponent OR even a 3rd opponent really just ruins everything creative that I otherwise might want to do.

I have had marginal success when dabbling at 100 HUNL and HUPLO and have found the HU variety of poker to be exponentially more intriguing and enjoyable. I have until this point been playing 90%+ live full ring NL & PLO at the 1/3 & 2/5 (and occasionally 5/10) levels for a living over the last 5 years with enough success that Ive never had to get a job BUT I find myself REALLY losing interest in the slow pace of the game and the general lack of decisions per hour that are made as compared to HU online.

If I could snap my fingers & become a HU online reg and make the same money I would, but I dont know if I really can instantly make the same money without losing for a long while first as I can grinding the boring live games with the droolers.

I can not see myself being happy playing any form of live full ring for a living and I am considering largely walking away from poker entirely (if I do not transition to HU online) as I am also soon to graduate from university.

*Has anyone made this transition or have any advice? I don't want to walk away from my poker skillset to get a job, but it seems that the risk of ruin is very real if I suddenly load thousands online and battle regs as I learn.*

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