KTs 4-way flop decision $2/$5 NLH Live
Posted by Chris Bowling
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Chris Bowling
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Live Poker
KTs 4-way flop decision $2/$5 NLH Live
Hero ($750) raises KTcc utg with 2k loose passive fish in BB. 3 loose passive callers to the flop. 4-way. All 3 players play pretty straight up. Flop is 973csd. 3-way, I wouldn't hesitate to c-bet. But 4-way OOP vs all the other players, I'm a little hesitant. What do you guys think?
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Hey Chris. I somewhat frequent 1/3 at Crown Casino here in Melbourne. I am not sure what the standard is for players at 2/5 at your cardroom but from experience, I would generally check here. Especially the last 2 caller's range is so wide that either the 7 or 9 is easily hit. Hands like 78, 9T, 8,9 all the way through to K9, Q9 and A9/7.
A bit more unlikely but a draw could call (something like 86s or 8Ts) and you're almost forced to give up on the turn unless you hit.
I'm guessing you raised around $15 pre-flop and with 3 callers and the pot being $60. Another alternative to put a blocker bet/semi bluff of $20 almost giving you the odds to float but generally I'm staying away from this sort of play unless I'm playing very exploitative.
Conclusion: Probably a c/f here.
Note: I am no pro and I am pretty new to RIO so if anyone disagrees with me or has any other suggestions to what i've brought to the table, I'll be happy to hear it.
I am same with tutor no pro n new to RIO.
Are u expect 3 loose player ip fold or runner runner club. IMO u utg open with KTs is pretty loose. My play would be xf here. Good luck
I think it is a pretty clear check/give-up spot. You are going to get peeled by all sorts of combos and be left OOP on the turn. There are a lot of cards you can double including some for value but you are going to need to get it HU by then. I am not sure how likely that is.
Easy x/f.
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