kq as the preflop raiser in a 1-3 game
Posted by Daylife2015
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Live Poker
kq as the preflop raiser in a 1-3 game
i am mp 1 and raise to 13 with KcQh, (i am the effective stack with 231) the cut off calls and the button calls and the bb calls so 4 ways to the flop. the cut off is a calling station and the button some what tight but very passive, but sometimes will call with very speculative holdings.
so flop ($48 minus 5 for rake and promotional dollar) Ks 9c 7s bb checks, I bet 33 cut off calls button calls bb folds. turn (pot 142) 7c i lead 80 cut off calls button calls.
now i am really not liking my situation when i get called in both spots but the board is so draw heavy both calling isn't that surprising. so the river is the 2 diamond the biggest brick in the deck and with 105 in front of me and 382 in the middle is there any reason not to just shove the rest in?
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What's the worst hand that is calling your shove? KJ-K10?Seems that you're better off check calling vs shipping just to give hands like Asxs or any 9x a chance to ship.
if ur gonna always check with the intention of calling your better just betting all in and at least get value from the times he has KJ,JJ,1010 , 9x etc which they will always be c back on the river. i dont see too many 9x turning hands into bluff on this river based on ur bio and the fact it is a 3 way pot also decreases the chances of people bluffing missed draws, certainly the CO anyways.
ok thanks kinda what was thinking with with cunningf's line.
Bet more at 39-44 at flop and shove turn. Kj, kt in live games will allmoust never fold. 9x fold to allmoust all bet at the turn 3way. In the way is played you will have difficult decision at any t or j and clubs( with odds 1 to 4.8)
Agree with Yegor in getting it in OTR.
But as played the considerations are:
- Losing value by not betting against KJ/KT
- Not giving missed draws a chance to bluff
- The fact that someone could have flatted AK and would check back river saving you your last $105 (cause majority of 1/3 players dont 3 bet AK preflop from my experience)
Overall, I think I like the shove because missed draws probably aren't bluffing 3 handed especially with the aggressor already having committed more than half his chips.
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