How to play the short-stack in a live mtt without antes?
Posted by Joe Tonkin
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Joe Tonkin
posted in
Live Poker
How to play the short-stack in a live mtt without antes?
Hi guys,
I had a spot come up last night where I am still not sure what the right play was. In fact it got me wondering how much different is playing a short stack in a game without antes compared to 'normal' mtts? All of the local games in my area play without antes.
The spot I was in was as follows.
Blinds 6k/12k (13 players left, 7 at my table) Avg stacks 150k.
I have 70k on the btn.
UTG(150k) - limps (Very active so didn't think he was trapping with a monster) folds to me and I look at A8o. After awhile I decide to shove. (Was thinking about folding)
SB (300k) actually calls me & UTG folds. I bust out to AJo.
Should/Could I have folded this hand?
Without antes I am guessing a short-stack can whittle down to a few less BB than normal before shoving any 2 cards? 4-5bb?
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