Go for FantasyLand? EV Calculation

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Go for FantasyLand? EV Calculation

Based on this Structure:




now we are getting dealt a K.

Opponent{8,7, all other cards are live}

My Dummy EV Calculation: Playing without an Opponent

EV(Risk) = EV(FL) + EV(Foul)

EV(FL)= 15(for FantasyLand) + 6(for the KK on Top) = 21

EV(Foul) = -6

EV(Safe Mode) = 0

1. After the K we have 5 Streets Left.

Mid Hand:

a) Getting an A 36%

b) getting two pair about 9%

is that right? How can i calculate this?

SUM: 45% (is that right to build the sum between these a) and b) )

BTM Hand:

a) getting Set or Two Pair 61%

EQ= 0,61*0,45 = 0,2745

EV(FL) = 21 * 0,2745 = 5,764

EV(Risk) = EV(FL) - EV(Foul) = -0,2355

EV(SafeMode) > EV(Risk) --> K not on the Top Hand

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