Expected Value of Fantasyland in Pineapple

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Expected Value of Fantasyland in Pineapple

Hello everyone,

I tried to find some info about the expected value of the Fantastyland in Pineapple, but i couldnt find anything close to accurate.

I found a post here in runitonce about it with 13p value, but i guest this is talking about standar OFC. By the way, is this right?

So, my question is: any of you have the EV of the Fantasyland for Pineapple? Is this number based on math or in experience of play?

I would like to hear all your points and advices about it.

Thanks a lot ;)


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Jackie_Yaws 8 years, 9 months ago

I sampled it with computer, about 12.3 royalties in sum, but I don't know how to estimate the score vs a player, anyone can give me some advice?

Jen Shahade 8 years, 9 months ago

yeah playing vs. a computer will get you an inflated number if you're playing vs. a weak AI. One error many people make in estimating FL is they forget to factor in that villain goes to FL more than hero remains. So you have to deduct around 10% of your value to account for that (even more extreme effect in 2-7)

I still use 9 in my back of napkin and quick calcs, though I would probably bet.that v perfect play 8 is more accurate. And vs a v weak player, perhaps 10 (i.e- vs the weak AI you were probably playing). However, we are winning points every hand we play vs a v weak player so not really sure it matters unless they're planning to quit or we are playing a pre-determined number of non FL hands.

GraniteChief 8 years, 9 months ago

Thanks Jen, I'm starting to get into 2-7 pineapple. What's your quick back of the envelope value for FL in 2-7? It seems lower than in regular pineapple (maybe 6 points?), and like you said the "FL removal effect" is additionally bigger since it's so easy to get there from non FL.

Also, as far as you know, how are most people playing 2-7 pineapple? (most interested in the rules they use at the Rio). I play on the blue screen pineapple iphone app, where KK+ and wheel get you to FL, and if you get both at once you go to double FL. Staying in FL requires trips/quads+, but the wheel doesn't keep you there. Is this standard?

Jen Shahade 8 years, 9 months ago

hey! Been playing more 2-7 lately and will be making a vid for RIO soon on some typical late game math spots. Based on my data and what other strong players have said, i'm gonna use 5 for the video.

I've mostly only been playing on the app so same spot as you (AND this is what my FL value is based on, and what I will be covering that in the video) I used to play on tonybet a little and the rules were different (15 card FL for double FL, wheel= 8 points) https://tonybetpoker.com/poker_promotions/it-s-on-fire-play-the-new-pineapple-2-7

Not in Vegas yet, but will find out what rules they're using at the Rio before i make the vid.

Jackie_Yaws 8 years, 9 months ago

I agree with that FL value is about 7-8 scores in normal pineapple game vs a optimal player, maybe higher vs a bad player. Jen, how do you think the 14 cards FL value in the progressive pineapple? I think it may lower than 7-8, because 15 cards FL value and 16 cards FL are large just as you said "villain goes to FL more than hero remains".

red81white 2 years, 2 months ago

I think the ev of a hand in FL is 12.8, but in comparison to a hand that you make in normal build play, the ev for me is closer to +5 for fantasy. My typical rph is just over 7. Common hands for me are two pair or trips in the bottom two hands and a pair on top. In FL I only really make a flush or better in the middle 1/4 times. So I think if I had a choise between taking points or going to fantasy it’s only worth sacrificing 5 points or less to go with (QQ) on top. I’m sure a computer could do better math than I can in my head, but that’s what I’ve figured.

Plus, I find it advantageous to see what my opponent is building, so the order in which hands are seen is important, and worth maybe 1 point because sometimes you just can’t block an opponent but if you can that could be worth 3.

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