Cash Game / Mental Erosion
Posted by PsionTheory
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Live Poker
Cash Game / Mental Erosion
Guys i need some help, it seems one of my biggest leaks is the fact that my mental game erodes significantly (if i get caught bluffing, or go an extended period of time without winning a significant pot (while stuck) Live Cash Game (Deep 2/5 1000.00 Minimum Cash Game) . I either switch to a fairly meek playing style clearly exploited by opponents. Or i suddenly am overplaying marginal hands, and trying to bluff in stupid stupid spots (in a deep Cash Games)
I need suggestions on How can decompose my mental erosion, in mid stream. or before Hands (which is more optimal ?) and Reestablish Sound Cognitive Poker Mindset while at the table. Clearly i need to deep some reading of the "Mental Game of Poker Vol. 1 and 2" which i possess but am too lazy to read. I'm New to RIO so i welcome any constructive insight from my Fellow RIOers
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This situation used to affect me much more than it does now. I find the only defense is to shut it down, and play a raise fold strategy pre flop until I am able to whack someone over the head with a hand. Otherwise sociologically in live play trying to outplay people who do not fear you doesnt work which you know intuitively, and is why you start to play meekly, and basically burn money. I just wait for hands or taking advantage of spots where someone else is out of line telling myself that I don't know where or what my next hand will be.
Realizing your anger at the poker table is illogical and counterintuitive will have to be something you actively change, Its not as simple as just reading mental game of poker . I am trying to improve this aspect of my game as well..
Sometimes it makes no sense like im up 500$ lose a 100$ pot and start playing every hand and totally spazzing!!! then I lose it all!
One of the best ways to combat this is go for a walk ! Even if you win a big pot it can be helpful to walk away from the table give your mind a break from every single action... come back with a 3rd person perspective on the table .
If you refuse to leave the table then take the advice of rosebud. Fold more . Dont bluff so much ... If you get so mad when the bluff goes wrong maybe its not worth the negative thoughts and likleyhood of tilting !?
Take a more comprehensive approach to the hand itself rather than I get mad when I lose a bluff. review the hand . maybe bluffing was the complete wrong move and your anger is unwarranted. If it was the right move and he made a terrible call , then why are you going to let that anger get to you ? whats the benefit of being mad ? you should be thinking ok he called me down on this board with this XXhand and ABC was the action. How can I use this to exploit him in another big pot...
Most people do not play their best while they are stuck... Limiting yourself to 2 buys ins may work for you as well as it has for me... By the third bullet I'm usually tired, annoyed, and probably being outperformed, called, and exploited by other players more often. It shows on your face in live poker * so while online you can monkey tilt 2 buy ins and then just sit a new table and no one knows your mad . But even at the casino when you move to a new table you will have a look of a tilted little bitch. go ahead slam your last 200$ on the 1/2 table and grumpily sit there. Grandpa joe and his buddy mitch are still going to just wait for QQ-AA , aJs and your angry bluff. Order a beer , complain about the drink lady being slow , you are one hand away from a 3 BI spazz loss..
Leave when you are tilt. Sometimes you have to pack up your shit and go home ... I always tell myself ... The poker game runs 24/7 ... bovada / foxwoods ... games always there
Life time game... Dont spend the time gettiing mad tilting i wasted years doing it and it serves no purpose! FIND IT WITHIN YOURSELF >>>>>take the negative energy and convert it into a positive direction. focusing more on the table..
If you cant be honest about your own tilt level you will continue to have this issue.
last part of rant....
I watched the sticky rice video last night... 2k-40 k run on 10/20 bovada... wow.
While the kid makes some big mistakes and many would consider him a huge fish there was a spot where he was deciding to call with AQ bluff catching preflop and it was a terrible call... however he was up 30k and said " will i be mad if im wrong... " he decided he wouldnt be mad because he was happy enough with his logic for calling ... If your call is logical and its wrong , take the lesson and move on!
He continued to play well ( mentally // I know everyone will say hes a spewtard lagtard but he showed some very impressive mental control as well i think after this hand he simply took the information and played better.
dont drink playing poker! even the pussy lil 8 oz cups of beer seriously can fuck with your judgement. I can handle my liquor and im telling you even small amounts of alcohol seriuolsy deteriorate your mental state. worse they lead to more beer then you get fat and kinda get man titties and those hot bitches who used to jump on your dick are gone and you become an angry tilt fat fuck complaining about his redline on 2p2 bvb.
End rant peace
I understand where you are coming from, but I don't understand how making a well timed bluff that gets picked off or not winning a "significant pot while stuck" factors into poor state of mind. It seems you are very attached to outcomes which is super tilting in a game that you only control inputs. Example of a bluff that would be excellent is getting called extremely light where you are at the very bottom of your range. The perceived image the table has of you now, is plus EV+ the rest of your session. Also, one thing that has helped me a ton is realizing when my game is deteriorating from a thought stand point. If I am no longer making any sort of reads, less intent on bet sizing, less intent on action I'm not involved in, I leave. The level that you're playing at (2/5 deep stack) requires more than smacking the deck. Obviously, your game when close to A is capable of beating the stakes...try playing then and stay rolled for the stakes so tough decisions and beats aren't soul crushing. Hope this helps, fairly obvious stuff, but I hope it's thought provoking for you. GL at the tables.
I know you said you don't like reading but it might be worth it. Liz from cardplayer asked Jonathan Little what the best book he ever read was and he said it was the Zen of poker. it helps with not going on tilt or managing the tilt you do go on. I've made really similar mistakes before where I get the loosing end of a flip or get bluffed or get caught bluffing. and start playing marginal hands aggressively these are those days where I've lost $600 and $700 within an hour in 1/2 cash. it's one of the biggest mistakes you can make. I feel like taking time away from the table and better preparing for what triggers these habits will help next time you play.
Just kind of went on a lil heater still up 1200$ despite the story below ( Live 1/2 and a little 2/5 sesh @ FW ) for the month of november ( last 5-6 sesh profit $1200// ty rio)
ran up 55$ deposit - 290$ in 2-3 days ! Primarily playing 10/25 cent* online and a sprinkled in a little 50/1$ here and there ( gotta shot take right? ) .... quick hit and run sessions where I carefully
picked stakes loose table dynamic and focused on player types to attack/ Yes i sat and watched 25NL games to bum hunt ... gotta look for the even bigger fish since Im still one myself... played a little zone as well as some random hit and run hu at 25 NL ( GOTTA CHALLENGE YOU PRO MFERS)
Anyway ...
Played a hand on Bovada HU for 200$
30 minutes into play I have not 3 bet from bb once and this hand happens...
The hand that takes my whole bank roll
SB/BTN opens for $6 w $22
BB ( HERO ) 3b to 20$ Red Aces
he shoves I snap call and a deucey falls..
So he hit a 12% on me.... for 200$... what happens to the last 88 $ ? Pure rage tilt money is gone I tell my friends the same story and they laugh. I lament and refer to the hand as black friday since it destroyed my online bankroll
Have not played live since ( except for a small homegame for 15$ profit )
Now why in the fuck did I destroy my awesome earnings from 25 NL at 200NL ... maybe I shouldn't of done that and that was a bankroll issue. maybe its fine to take a shot... either way...
losing the last 88$ in tilt rage cost me
1. Have to redeposit if I want to play
2. Just another day that I wont be a poker pro that I have to start over again and rebuild my roll; responsibly if possible...
3. Gained a lesson I already knew but didnt implement so I feel shitty..
Yes yes AA vs 22 is a bad beat AIPF but hey what are we to do? not be little bitches about it . thats what. Drop down in stakes thats what we do.
Dont try to win it back in a HU glory rage before dinner ... that wont work! It never works.
GL fellow tilters CYA AT THE TABLES!
I have that issue as well. I didnt read through all of the comments, but I think that getting picked off, and folding while card dead are different situations which lead to in my case to negative but different emotions.
Getting picked off, is somewhat like getting caught w ur hand in the cookie jar, feel a bit embarrassed, stupid and prolly pissed bout money lost. Toss in a bit of self hate, in the case you consciously forced yourself to bluff(for balance and metagame).
Solution: Shit aint easy, but one has to try to see how the hand played out, how was your line compared to his, range vs range. Was it a poor bluff or poor timing. When getting picked off, its hard to just focus on how the hand went down, and make a mental note how to get that money back...and then just wait for the hammer to fall..
Carddead is a bit different, one gets bored, one wanna turn into the hulk and just effin crush, one get endless comments on how tight one is. One gets pissed of watching weaker players play their weak game, and feel that "if that was me, i would have stacked his ass, why am i not getting anything?", "this is messing w my winrate, I should be the table captain" etc
And stupidly enough, one tries to prove it to ourself or them with some marginal, we win, we back on track..we lose..its downhill from here..
Soultion: suck it up and realize how folding for couple of hours either: limits your lines from your opponents view and increases the lines from your own perspective..i.e you think you can get away with bluffs. Problem is: everyone's perspective rarely are the same..especially in poker. So what does one have to do? You just have to remember: That PATIENCE is a skill that is way underrated..and we all need it.
Bit late, but felt i have the same issue so i had to give my 50 cents..
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