Was curious to know what would be the bottom part of range to call an all in when last to act and everyone else has folded in a six max hyper turbo? I tend to call in these spots with something as low as 9-7s, 10-8s and all small pp and usually any ace. Is this a losing proposition? Should I tighten up? If so, what ranges do you recommend? I play the smaller stakes so players call very wide. Any advice or strategy anyone would like to share would be greatly appreciated. TY. P.S. Sorry if this is dumb question.
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IrishLuck77712 years, 2 months agoWell it really depends on for how many big blinds you would be calling off for. if your calling off 2-3 bigs than almost any 2 cards are fine. if your calling like 10 bbs than you would want something like AQ+ and 88+ but you also have to consider where they are pushing from and how aggressive or tight they are
z0fman12 years, 1 month agoi would suggest u put ur hands in an icm calculator as each situtation can be very different especially in so icm heavy sngs like the 6max hypers...the hands u call with should be a factor of ur opponents range for pushing...the big blinds....and the rest of the stacks at the table and whether its on the bubble or not
as the others already said, it definitely depends on the stacksizes and playertypes you are playing with, if a loose bigstack is pushing into you from the SB for example he can basicly have any two cards when you are pretty short. So you can call a little lighter as if it would be a TAG or Rock who pushes into you. Look at your stats and ICM Calculator and make your decicons depending on them. Of course its not a gurantee to make the right decicion but it helps a lot.
Another important thing is to watch hands in that you are not playing and pay attention to their pushing ranges when they show cards so you get to know their ranges.
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as the others already said, it definitely depends on the stacksizes and playertypes you are playing with, if a loose bigstack is pushing into you from the SB for example he can basicly have any two cards when you are pretty short. So you can call a little lighter as if it would be a TAG or Rock who pushes into you. Look at your stats and ICM Calculator and make your decicons depending on them. Of course its not a gurantee to make the right decicion but it helps a lot.
Another important thing is to watch hands in that you are not playing and pay attention to their pushing ranges when they show cards so you get to know their ranges.
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