Beginning with HUSNG

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Beginning with HUSNG

Hi, i´m a profesional cash game player who plays in PokerStars in levels between nl200 and nl600 right now, i was Superniva Elite in 2010, and this is my 4th year like profesional. This year i would like start playing a new game, at least with some decent frecquency while i keep playing my normally games. And i think HUSNG is the best option. I played some HU cash before, i am not an expert, but definetly not a novice neither.

I don´t have any idea about what´s the average skill in this games. I feel like i should have an edge specially in postflop situations because my cashgame experience, but can´t be wrong about this (tell me if i am). And the reason why i write here is ask to HUSNG regulars a few question about this, i would be pretty thankfull if someone with experience enough in this games could help me:

1. Speed: Normal/Turbo/Hyper ? 

I feel like my edge would be bigger playing regular speed (because more time beeing deep), but maybe someone can say an arggument to play TURBO/HYPER, more $$/h maybe  ?? 

2. Stake. How skilfull could be a reg of HUSNG $100 if you compare him with a reg with my experience ? Where should i start ? 

3. Bankroll Managment. How many buy in´s if you play turbo $100, regular speed $100, hypers, etc ? 

4. Software. As a cash game player my main software was always Holdem Manager. What would be the main software of a HUSNG reg, i heard about SNG Wizard, ICMIZER. Which is the specific role of each ?

5. ICM. How big is the influence of ICM ? Where can i read a good aproach about this subject  ?

6. Videos. What´s videos/coaches could you recommend me about HUSNG here at runitonce.

Thank You ! 

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