anyone else playing OFC?
Posted by mike
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Open Face Chinese
anyone else playing OFC?
i just got the ipad OFC app and can't spot playing
anyone else playing? anyone want to talk strategy sometime? play a few games on the ipad app?
hit me up on skype(kenaces)
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i don have ipad, is there any pther app of OFC i can get for normal apple comp?
not really sure but the app i am using also works on iphone :)
ye ive heard but i really cant look at 3 inch screen lol :S :)) considering ipad anyway so ill get back at you when i get it,meanwhile enjoy ofc
My name is ppgogo on there, hit me up for a game, would love to talk strategy with you on it.
i add you as friend :)
Me and some friends have been playing it in some live games around town... finally got one of the clubs to spread it for $5 a point. Would love to talk strategy with someone about the game. It's the worse addiction ever.
add me on skype - kenaces
@nick when playing OFC does casino take time charge? how much? i am guessing you are playing 4 handed so how many hands per hour can you get in?
I played at the Venetian it was 20$ every 1/2 hour for 5-10$/pt... I didn't play thought it seemed absurd
Hey Mike, sorry for the delay in getting back with you. The club that spreads it here in indy takes $10 every half hour if it's 2-3 handed and $15 every half hour if 4 handed, we play $5 a point. I've heard many different rake structurs for the casinos in Vegas and LA. Supposably, Orleans (Vegas) has the best rake structure but poor "new player" pools given it's location off the strip.
i am still interested - add me on skype for some OFC talk/play
Mike, can you tell me the App name for OFC. Thnx in advance :)
The name is Chinese Open Face Poker, by a company called Pocket Kings, I'm pretty sure. There's a paid and free version.
Golden Cluc OFC is the best app going for mobile... very fast app and no crashing.
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