A few hands from Crown Casino Melbourne - $1/3 (200 buy in)

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A few hands from Crown Casino Melbourne - $1/3 (200 buy in)

*Hand 1

Folds around to button who limps for $3
I raise to $13 with AQo
bb folds and button defends
Pot $29

Flop - QT8r

Villan bets out of turn $15.
I call.
Pot is $59

Turn - J

I bet $30, villan calls. Pot is $119

River - 5 (no flushes)
I check, villan bets $45
What do you do?

Hand 2
I open in MP to $13 with JJ
CO calls ($100 stack)
SB (reg) raises to $55.

I call and CO suprisingly calls as well. Pot is $169.

Flop - 973r

Villan shoves for another $128
What do you do?

Hand 3

Its 7 handed and I get KJo UTG. I open to $13 (could be a mistake here, I dont normally open KJ early position)
1 caller from MP
Pot is $30.

Flop - K94r

I bet $20
Villan raises to $50. I call.
Pot is $130

Turn - 6

I check
Villan shoves all in for $91
What do you do?
Note: Villan is known to be quite of a weak player

Hand 4
Villan raises MP to $20 (stack $400)
I call SB with AJs (stack $900
Pot is $43

Flop - 9s, 7s, 2d

I bet $25.
Villan raises to $125
I re-raise all in
Villan calls.

What would you have done? What do you think Villan has.

Those were some interesting hands I just played at Crown. Couple of the decisions I already know I miscalculated but I would like to hear your thoughts and discuss the hand.

Keen to hear from you all,




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drommordare 9 years, 7 months ago

Hand 1: I think as played and given the size of the bet you need to call the river.

Hand 2: when you call this preflop you can't just fold when you have an overpair. However, given your history with the player and your reads of how aggressive he is preflop I think I would prefer either a fold or shove with JJ.

Hand 3: I think this might be a fold... you saying that he is a weak player he probably isn't doing this with the only possible draw (JT, QJ, QT) or bottom / top pair. In theory he shouldn't have that many kings with a worse kicker then you either.

Hand 4: shoving the flop is fine. You can also call, but being out of position it makes things a little tougher. Shoving depends on if you think he is the type of player that will fold a hand like QQ or A9 this deep on this flop or not.

Eeciaj 9 years, 7 months ago

Hand 1: the limp on the button could be 10-9, 9-7, 9-8, 9-J so I'm putting connectors and gap connectors in his range. Besides sets beng hard to get im guessing any pair on the button is opening with a raise. His flat call on the turn might cancel out a two pair. The river bet seems a little light, I'd call here with top pair top kicker even though there is a one card straight.

Hand 2: would call the bet hoping his semi bluffing with ak aq.

Hand 3: weak players can also describe visual players so top pair is probably in play at minimum it does smell like a two pair for it played out like a set as well. Only possible draws are gut shots, I think I'm folding here.

Hand 4: you hand but flush draw and possible two live overcards in play. In which case your favourite even if only the ace is live you have 12 outs. Which such a big raise preflop I'm guessing he has Broadway pairs maybe even pocket 10s. On a board with no connectors, straights or flushes you can play ur nut flush aggressive because if it comes on the turn u are probably not going to get paid off. A check raise is also a play but getting ur money in wit this board is a good play too.

How did your hands play out?

Evilmastermind 9 years, 7 months ago

First of all you need to give more information of the players and how they play. Usually it's impossible to answer to hands questions without them. Poker is more about the players, less about the cards. Especially the question 2 is totally about how the all in player plays.

otherwise i would go like this : Q1: easy call, could be bluff or betting easily worse for value
Q2: no idea, depending of opponent, to really tight players you should have folded preflop.
Q3: again about the player, and you should have folded preflop anyways. But would call if no reads, because good hands should generally just call flop.
Q4: Usually overbets when a flushdrw is on the board is a flushdrw with overs, so i put him on KQs QTs T8s and such so would do the same line as you.

Hopefully this helps.

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