This site seems to be going well so I thought I would help start up the SNG section because that is what I normally play. I am in the US so stuck on Merge but have made about $1200 over the past year playing $2-$5 SNGs and would be interested in discussing basically anything if people are interested. Basic strategy, pushing/folding, tricky spots, regs, or whatever. I also made a post for 10 man double ups so feel free to post in either section if you're interested.
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alejandro gomez12 years, 3 months agoisnt hard to withdraw from Merge network? Is there really any value in playing on any U.S. sites? Anyways I would like to see more post and or videos on sng, ht, full ring or sh. Gl
IrishLuck77712 years, 3 months agoI have withdrawn a few times and everything went well. It took like 4 weeks to get my check but there were no problems. There is some value playing on the site but it is definitely smaller than being able to play on other sites like Poker Stars. I agree with you though that more SNG content would be great.
Sean Fri12 years, 3 months agoI've been playing a few thousand sng's on merge this past year, mostly 1's and 2's. Run ok - btw 10-20% ROI at those games - but haven't built the bankroll to consistently play the 5's, though I find they play much the same and if I could try some volume, I'm sure I'd have the same success.
Mostly I find that, except for a few regs, a lot of people play backwards, playing loose early and then sometimes continuing that and sometimes playing too tight late. And people do seem to call too wide on the bubble and five handed. I struggle to teach myself that as I have less fold equity, my range has to tighten up on hot and cold equity to make up the overall difference. IOW, in a situation where you'd shove ATC vs a bunch of ICM aware competent opponents, you really can't shove 7Ts in these games because people are calling too wide.
That also puts me in a situation where I would normally think I should induce late game, but really I should be shoving monsters because people are calling so wide. Is this similar to your experience?
IrishLuck77712 years, 3 months agoI agree that there are not many regs when you are playing low limits and you will have to adjust accordingly to their different play styles. Because they are all playing so tight when blinds get big it is okay to be shoving very wide when you have 10bbs or less. the higher the stakes you go up the more regs you will see and have to continue to just your ranges for your different opponents. Moving from stakes by just a few $ will lower your ROI by a few % but nothing crazy should happen. If you are doing well then try to take a shot at bigger games.
newt12 years, 2 months agoNot that many regs at those levels. You should be able to build your BR rather quickly
Chris Morgan12 years, 2 months agoI also play exclusively on Merge. I have played from $2 to $20 SnG's. I find that the regs are few a far between on the $5 and down buy in games, but even the $10 games only have 1-2 regs per table at most. I have been focused on the $5 games with great results, but agree that when on the bubble, players call too wide (according to ICM) You really just have to focus on the player's stats and find the nit and open shove 75% + against their BB.
IrishLuck77712 years, 2 months agoChris what is your screen name on merge? Im sure Ive seen you at the tables at some point. yeah I think the hardest part for me is correctly adjusting to the different ranges that people will play when its on or near the bubble.
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Mostly I find that, except for a few regs, a lot of people play backwards, playing loose early and then sometimes continuing that and sometimes playing too tight late. And people do seem to call too wide on the bubble and five handed. I struggle to teach myself that as I have less fold equity, my range has to tighten up on hot and cold equity to make up the overall difference. IOW, in a situation where you'd shove ATC vs a bunch of ICM aware competent opponents, you really can't shove 7Ts in these games because people are calling too wide.
That also puts me in a situation where I would normally think I should induce late game, but really I should be shoving monsters because people are calling so wide. Is this similar to your experience?
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