2 Hands from 1/3 Live @ Crown Casino - What would you do?

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2 Hands from 1/3 Live @ Crown Casino - What would you do?

Hey guys, just finished a session at 1/3 at Crown casino, Melbourne. I wanted to discuss 2 hands in particular that went down during my session and see what the RIO team has to say about it.

Hand 1

UTG+1 (villan) opens to $15 (stack $250)
Hero (AQspades) calls from MP (stack $200)
Button calls
Pot $49

Flop - Th Jh 7d

Villan bets $15
Hero calls (5-1 odds)
Button folds
Pot - $79

Turn - Ac

Villan checks
Hero bets $50
Villan raises to $150

Hero folds - Line of thinking - At this point, the raise is representing a pretty strong hand and with AQ here I cant beat much going into the river. The only thing I am beating here is Ax (lower than T) and that would be an odd move to make with Ax. Losing to combos of AT, AJ, AK and chopping to AQ. Losing to TTs, JJs and maybe some combos of TJs. What do you guys think? Even though I folded, villan revealed his cards but I'd like to hear your thoughts before revealing villan's hand.

Hand 2

Note: Before the hand was full dealt, a Queen of spades was revealed. (at crown, when there is a mis-deal of one card, that card becomes the first burnt card).

UTG+1 opens to $8
UTG +2 calls
MP (villan) calls - stack - $350
Button (Hero) raises to $35 with JJ - stack - $230
BB (loose aggressive) calls - stack $200
UTG+1 folds
UTG+2 folds
Villan raises all in

Hero calls - Line of thinking - MP calls open of $8 and is now raising all in. The only hands crushing me are AA, KK and QQ. Both As and Ks would and should 3 bet before it gets to me. Qs probably will 3 bet but may not also because a Q was revealed. I was thinking likely combos here are AK, Ts and lower.

BB is very loose aggressive (almost maniac like) so unlikely he is dominating me.

SB calls all in as well.

These are the two hands I wanted to discuss What do you guys think I did wrong?


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Eeciaj 9 years, 8 months ago

The first hand I believe he had an open ender most likely kq maybe of hearts that's probably the only cards you can be confident in check raising. He is hoping your in love with your ace, his check on the turn might be to say hey I only have a jack to induce a bet from you.

Hand no.2 villain could have been tying to trap BB since you said his loose and aggressive and could have slow played AA KK or maybe AK I think it's a easy fold here. I wouldn't go to war with Jacks unless it was against the BB maybe. How did the hand play out?

Eeciaj 9 years, 8 months ago

Yep forgot about the two pair check raise. In both hands not sure I would have changed how you played them much, except maybe to check in hand one OTT.

Monsturrrr 9 years, 7 months ago

I would check the turn in the first hand. My reasoning is that if anything the Ace gave you another way to win the pot. I feel like he could definitely be checking to induce, or checking to go over the top. I like your bet as it allows you to perhaps get a free showdown, but it opens you up to a check raise.

Second hand I would probably fold. If it were a tournament, players might jame 77-TT there, but in a cash game when they limp-shove I feel they always have at least QQ+ and sometimes, AK which you are only flipping against. Unless the opponent is a maniac that would do that just to try to pick up the chips in the middle, you have to fold there and pick a better spot.

rapidravi 9 years, 7 months ago

Hey Tutor,
First hand I would check back the turn and evaluate calling river depending on bet sizing. Against just an Ahxh hands we only have 60% equity. I would call a river bet upto 1/3 size of pot against an maniac/ unknown / rec but fold against a Tag / Nit.(assuming here that our hand does not improve and no major changes on board)

Second hand is a clear fold, In a live setting the old limp re-raise especially if a guys >45 years old is a clear KK, AA or 10% AK which leaves you in bad shape with JJ mostly. I play JJ mostly as a TT or 99 in a live setting as people stack off on flops like KJx,QJx,AJx.... if you raise them after just calling as no one believes you would play JJ that way.

sponsor 8 years, 9 months ago

for the first hand: My first consideration is AQs might not be a good hand to call a 7.5x raise pre from UTG+1, if you have some read, small 3 bet maybe? Flop call is ok, but turnbet seems not necessary if you consider his check range, vs turnbet range.

Second hand: making it 35 to go from the button seems like a mistake, considering stack sizes. If u get shipped on, u have a pretty nasty decision..u get called, roughly 40% comes an overcard and u have a weird SPR...everybody folds seems like the best option albeit unlikely.

I am hardly a nit, but in a 9-handed NL game 100bb deep, both situations seems like bad spots, no reason to get there. But since you had your boots on the ground, maybe you had a different feeling that got you there..feel free to elaborate.

giotto51 8 years, 8 months ago

In both hands I think your line looks pretty standard but the thing is... In poker nothing should be standard, we are missing all the info on the player. The first hand, yes for sure u dont see a lot of this kind of action in live poker but sometimes u get crazy villain capable of that....For those who says that JJ is a fold I see every day people jamming with garbage in those spot or small pair. It just really depends on the villain.Is he able to think about the dynamic of the table given the maniac on the BB? Most of the villain in live poker dont unless they are regular... Have u seen villain going out of the line many times?? have u seen him overlimping/raising? if yes what was his hand? I think if u want to discuss/play a hand u need infos otherwise we are playing blind poker...

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