ZOOM 10NL Challenge Day 4 Hand 3
Posted by elbabbelino
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Low Stakes
ZOOM 10NL Challenge Day 4 Hand 3
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (9 Players)
BN: $4.69
SB: $26.73
BB: $9.15
UTG: $10.00
UTG+1: $12.43
MP: $10.24
MP+1: $6.62
MP+2: $10.00 (Hero)
CO: $3.58
SB: $26.73
BB: $9.15
UTG: $10.00
UTG+1: $12.43
MP: $10.24
MP+1: $6.62
MP+2: $10.00 (Hero)
CO: $3.58
Hero is MP+2 with
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No specific relevant villain info.
Can't fold when I have the Kc going along with it?
Can't fold when I have the Kc going along with it?
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XB seems reasonable as well. Have other hands (non Ax FD's / SD's) that I prefer bluffing?
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IF I bet this combo OTT I need to follow through OTR, right?
Sizing-wise, do we prefer betting normal sizing, including Qx, or bigger sizing with 2P+?
Sizing-wise, do we prefer betting normal sizing, including Qx, or bigger sizing with 2P+?
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Vs a weaker player I would rather check back the turn and realize our equity, because I think we have very little fold equity, and better take a free card vs 7x or something. After betting the turn, I would´t go for a bluff on this river, facing this type of opponet. The 6 gives him some 2pairs and also some starights, assuming he is very likely a calling station and will call 7x a lot I just give up. If the river is a brodway i bet big, as it will increase our fold equity a lot.
I'm still unsure :) But your reasons sound logical!
I can't find any arguments for betting the turn here. We fold out worse hands and get called by better. We don't have anything to protect against either.
We could probably check range here.
E.g. in case we have the nut flush we block so much that theres more value in inducing a bluff on the river, or getting value from villains weaker hands.
That's a bit contradictory right? If you think there's more value in inducing a bluff were you to have the nut flush, then you want to bluf my hand right (lots of FE)? Seems to me there is your argument for betting OTT. Or am I understanding you wrong?
If we don't have the nut flush, then villain is more likely to call. Does that make sense?
Yes it does and I agree with that observation.
Where we disagree is in what that implies for our strategy OTT.
To me it seems that if we take as a given that we want to XB nutflush OTT, because there is more value in inducing a bluf OTR than in going for value betting OTT&OTR ourselves, this implies that we have great FE OTT (when we hold the nutflush).
With AxKc we block a little less flushes than with AcXc, but still a bunch. Therefore, if we have a lot of FE with the nutflush, we should have at least good FE with AxKc.
If that's true, then I would conclude that there definitely is an argument for betting my hand OTT.
If that's untrue, then I would conclude that the EV of AcXc would be way higher in a bet OTT&OTR line than in an induce XB OTT to raise/bet OTR line.
The FE is certainly good, but I do think the showdown value of AK is greater than bluffing with it.
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