zNL5 - Weird spot with KK
Posted by Alison95
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Low Stakes
zNL5 - Weird spot with KK
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $6.73
SB: $5.00
BB: $3.92
UTG: $3.86
MP: $7.70
CO: $7.63 (Hero)
SB: $5.00
BB: $3.92
UTG: $3.86
MP: $7.70
CO: $7.63 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
MP wins $5.24
Rake is $0.23
Rake is $0.23
So, I'd like to hear how you play this hand. Villain is probably a fish, regarding his mini raise, and when he shove the river I don't know how his range looks like, if he has many bluffs or value heavy, so should call or fold OTR?
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It's not really feasible to put villain on an accurate range in a spot like this and make a decision based on that. In these spots I like to try to figure out EV of different possible scenarios and estimate how likely they are.
The worst case of villain almost only having better hands is very unlikely because there are relatively few hands in his range OTF that beat KK. He can have a few worse value hands like AQ and a fish can also do more strange things against a small flop cbet. There are plenty of possible bluffs and unimproved hands, so best case of villain having worse value and bluffing too much is possible. It's difficult for me to get more accurate without reads and aid from making simulations. I do think KK+ or AQ+ are mostly calls here but it's closer than usual because you are 150bb deep.
NL 5 I don't mind a bigger pre/flop sizes.
Tough to fold KK, as Kalupso says above, micro stakes guys do some non sensical stuff.
I do think the clickback won't be a set too often, as in only a fraction of his sets might play this way - people love to "slowplay". Also, people rarely play draws aggressively - which makes me think if we weren't beat otf then we aren't beat otr. These two observations combined I guess means I'm just gonna call off.
Comments above are cool.
I also think that it's a call on the river.
What worries me is his flop and turn sizing can indicate him having AQs as people above have indicated. But having Kh is bad.
I think with no reads, like Id hate to fold KK and his flop raise was small so yeah I think it cant be too bad paying him off, but man it looks very tilting. I think I could be persuaded otherwise.
A lot of good comments here. Hand does seem super tilting, whether we fold or call off :(
Kalupso makes a good point though, about it being very hard to put these types of players on an accurate range, with the flop play being so non-standard.
As gross as it is, I don't think I can fold here against a bad player.
Never want to just put a player on one hand, but given how hard it is to assign a reasonable range here on the flop, I think this player will just show up with AQ so often here.
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