zNL5 - Deep 4Bet Pot
Posted by Alison95
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Low Stakes
zNL5 - Deep 4Bet Pot
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $15.25
SB: $5.21
BB: $14.29
UTG: $3.99
MP: $8.23
CO: $10.31 (Hero)
SB: $5.21
BB: $14.29
UTG: $3.99
MP: $8.23
CO: $10.31 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Hey huys,
I played this hand a few days ago and I'd like to hear some thoughts.
PF: I can 4 bet bigger here, something like $1.30.
Flop: I have a huge range advantage here, analyzing this hand I was thinking about 33% cbet here, villain have some flush draws that we need some protection like AJs,AQs,ATs.
Turn: Again I thought about raise, we need protection. A click raise of 2x could be fine? we'll have enough money behind to shove river.
River: I don't think there is an escape. We're so high in our range, fold is not an option.
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Can size down your 4 bet to 22-23 bbs.
I think OTF both checking and betting small have some merit. You don't need a lot of protection here, so why not.
River could size up a little bit to get called by AK. And that's a pretty easy call vs a raise.
Pre flop i don't mind just flatting to 3 bet and the reson why if he will re raise you will have tuff spot where even call wouldn't be a cool option and you will always be behind when stack off becouse at 200bb u will not see worser hand so make 4 bet and than folding looks like wasting hand potential but he may call with a call with worser hands looking u are deep do 4 bet isn't that bad. As played don't mind checking flop, not need protection and u will not fold worser. On the river beating you only KK which he have on range becouse he always call pre than stack od 200bb and maybe 22 but looking that on only KK couldn't find a fold, we not know if he even re shove straigh 99, KQ or A2s but can't assume he not do i would call. But if you guys would be like 500BB deep and he will shove 400Bb than i would Ask does he rly shove something else what is not a nuts? At this deep i would consider fold but this spot couldn't fold, viallain may make mistake and shove worser.
Before considering 4-betting in LP versus blinds, it is important to check the villain’s style. How often and over how many opportunities does the villain 3-bet versus a steal from the CO? Does the villain tends to be TAG, and even nitty, or to be rather LAG? The decision of 4-betting PF or just calling the 3-bet with QQ depends on the answer to these questions. Remember QQ has only 40% equity versus { QQ+, AKs, AKo }. If the villain seems to be nitty in terms of 3-bettings, then it is better to just call the 3-bet; but, if you think the villain is able to make polarised 3-bets, your 4-bet is fine.
A 4-bet sizing must generally be 2.5 times the 3-bet sizing. So, you need not 4-bet bigger.
As played flop, your check back is fine: you have not hit a monster nor had an interesting draw, which means a c-bet on a 4-bet pot with such a flop is an easy way to waste your winrate. And I am not sure you have a huge range advantage here: the villain can call a 4-bet with Axs and Kxs, using the A and the K as blockers.
As played turn, I would raise 3 or 4 times the villain’s bet, in order to have an interesting SPR to shove on the river. The villain can call a raise with FDs, KJs+, maybe AK (if the villain did not 5-bet shove PF with such a hand) and KQo.
As played river, KK is the only hand which beats you and the villain may have 5-bet shove PF with such a hand more often than just called your 4-bet. QQ has 80% equity versus { KK+, KQs, KQo }; so, your call all-in is fine and never mind if the villain has trapped you a little with KK.
Some Flopzilla:
[Flopzilla v1.8.4] [Use Ctrl+I to import into Flopzilla] [www.flopzilla.com ] [KyNNvf0NszDxTFp+qFydgTZ5sXw7k8nAfc7BeXoyv1FMzpDJKF] [WxKbT33zQRUAd4rPjsiGavenBBs4LlEztie5LREnUKVxUSOjl8] [zpundMkdDyREOOhPloF950JapTYlZBD0NTiL2uH5muh1DXzlBJ] [mKWq9+K3AbLutwo04KKQtN124wG0HkaZM0WcqjZJjj02br2h1t] [A2cfxTdP2IG6G343HiH7Dfu2Mu+Hvy]Thanks for the complete explanation. But I wanna know why you raise OTT 3x or 4x, if we raise 3x pot will be something about $12 and we'll only have between $4 ~$5. Is it better to raise 2x and shove $7 in a pot of $9? I mean, we'll be committed when we raise of 3x or 4x on a non-brodway diamond river.
The bigger you raise on the turn, the lower will be the minimal equity required by the risk-reward to go broke on the river in a profitable way.
Could you explain more detailed?
If you have not learnt it yet, you must learn a formula called risk-reward. This formula is the following one: risk ÷ (risk + reward); it gives you the minimum percentage of success for a risk to be a profitable one. Some examples:
when you are open-raising to 3bb in BVB, such a move has to succeed 62.5% of the time to be profitable: you are risking 2.5bb (your SB does not belong to you any longer) to be rewarded 1.5bb (the amounts of the SB and the BB), which gives 2.5 ÷ (2.5 + 1.5) = 0.625 and means the villain must defend the BB in BVB more than 37.5% of the time to prevent you from making an immediate profit;
when you are c-betting 1/2 pot, you just need to succeed 1/3 of the time to have an immediate profit: 0.5 ÷ (0.5 + 1) ≈ 0.33 (you are risking 1/2 pot to be rewarded the pot);
as played river on your hand, when facing the villain’s X / R shove, the risk is $3.99 (the amount to call) and the reward $16.65 ($5.66 in the pot when the river is being dealt + your $3.50 bet + $7.49, which is the amount of the villain’s X / R adjusted to the effective stack, as your stack is $3.98 lower than the villain’s one), the formula says 3.99 ÷ (3.99 + 16.65) ≈ 0.193, which means your hand must have at least 19.3% equity to call in a profitable way;
now, imagine the villain decided to c-bet shove on the river instead of making a X / R shove: in this case, you would have had to risk $7.49 to be rewarded $13.15 ($5.66 in the pot when the river is being dealt + $7.49, which is the amount of the villain’s X / R adjusted to the effective stack), the formula says 7.49 ÷ (7.49 + 13.15) ≈ 0.363, which means your hand would have had to have at least 36.3% equity to call in a profitable way.
As your hand had 80% equity versus { KK+, KQs, KQo } on the river, these two last examples do not make any difference, but they would make one if your hand had only 25% equity versus the villain’s range: the risk would be profitable when risking $3.99 to be rewarded $16.65, but not at all when risking $7.49 to be rewarded $13.15. In other words, if you had raised on the turn and bigger, the amount you would have had to risk on the river would have been lower for a bigger reward.
Thanks for this deep explanation. I got it.
But let's suppose we had a bluff there. We need to generate the maximum fold equity possible, right? and in this case we don't wanna minimun risk-reward instead of when we have a value hand as in the hand posted. So, would be better to just x/R 2x to generate enough fold equity when we'll have more than 60% pot behind? I'm talking about in general spots.
Are my thoughts right?
My pleasure. :-)
Generally, when you do not have enough fold equity and want the villain to fold a better hand than yours, you must overcome your fold equity deficit by the sizing: most of time you will overbet, especially when you think the villain’s range is capped. In this case, in terms of risk-reward, when overbetting 1.2 time the pot, you need to succeed 54% of the time (60% when overbetting 1.5 time the pot).
But, this move is easier to make when the villain checked or when you are the first to talk. As played turn here, it would be tough to raise in bluff in a 4-bet pot.
Betting small on the flop some of the time should be fine as is checking. I kind of like betting small better since there are some draws, unpaired A's and JJ TT certainly call one street.
Turn you can raise some amount of the time. He can be trapping flop w/ AA, AK, KQ, 99 some of the time and waiting to delay bet turn. There are still Pair + FD and combo draws that can call a small raise on turn.
River plays itself obv.
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