zNL5 AA vs a c/raise on the flop in 3 bet pot
Posted by Eriol
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Low Stakes
zNL5 AA vs a c/raise on the flop in 3 bet pot
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.85
SB: $5.85
BB: $5.77 (Hero)
UTG: $3.45
MP: $2.77
CO: $2.59
SB: $5.85
BB: $5.77 (Hero)
UTG: $3.45
MP: $2.77
CO: $2.59
Hero is BB with
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Final Pot
SB wins $5.14
Rake is $0.29
Rake is $0.29
The more I look at it, the more it seems standard to me, but would be nice to get some opinions.
OTF not having the Ah makes me think he could have quite a lot of flush draws, so i decided to commit to the pot, maybe I should have just shoved here? Seems so strong tho that I fear I'll get called only by better made hands.
OTT I don't see anything that I beat anymore and OTR even less.
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Squeeze sizing is way too small, especially for micro stakes. My standard would be $0.70.
Postflop it's an easy call vs the raise. You have position and can decide on the turn what to do when you get additional information. Also, you keep potential bluff spews in the hand by calling.
I agree with Burek2000. I do not like the reraise on the flop. Especially in position, the turn and river decisions really shouldn't be too difficult if we just call the flop raise.
Keep all his bluffs and semi-bluffs in, and let him shove a ton of turns that you will have an easy call on.
I agrree with Burek2000 on the preflop squeeze sizing. I assume player is a fish(due to VPIP in SB which is not favorable considering position).
Additional point is that initial c-bet sizing on flop that is very terrible. You are giving your opponent 39c to call a $1.62 pot(1.23 +0.39) which is almost 4.2:1 pot odds(19%). You are giving yourself a -ev position if he continues with any flush draw, straight, any top pair good/mid/low kicker,almost anything with a draw would have good odds to call.
A point to note is against these players at these stakes, you want to maximize the value you can obtain on your Overpairs + any TPTK. Do else wise and you find yourself in a difficult position such as the spot you are placed above.
like already stated squeeze to 72cents at a minimum so they cant profitably set mine. Once he hits you with the check minraise id think his range could be any two because people at nl5 think less than half pot cbets are weak. Also you could just jam over that check minraise and dare him to call a AJ or a fd. . As played On the turn I would probably just jam once checked to without A of hearts because he will still call with any pair+heart and he would've jammed sets on the flop. On the river you will only get a call if you are beat and if a heart rolls off he has a profitable bluff with any 2 and will realize his equity for free.
Would you have jammed the river or called the river on a blank?
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