z25 JJs vs UTG RFI
Posted by Matt F
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Matt F
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Low Stakes
z25 JJs vs UTG RFI
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $60.46
SB: $52.00 (Hero)
BB: $22.48
UTG: $55.50
MP: $35.59
CO: $25.66
SB: $52.00 (Hero)
BB: $22.48
UTG: $55.50
MP: $35.59
CO: $25.66
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
UTG wins $17.91
Rake is $0.84
Rake is $0.84
How should I be playing these types of spots?
Thanks for all comments.
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i find EP is the position where the play of regs differs the most. while some openraise and 4bet ultra tight, others are quite spazzy. it is not uncommon to see only flats with lets say AK in those position from EPs point of view.
if it is one of those tight players I even prefer to flat preflop only. if you don't want to have a quite face up flatting range (which you can still have at z25 imo), I also don't absolutely hate 3b/f with JJ, even though in most positions it is a no-no.
what helps in those kinds of spots is to observe the biggest hands replayer, for example while you do content. when you are finished with the content, you click throught the hands via the replayer and see how the regs play on your limit.
if you see someone only openraise/calling with a hand like QQ/AK or when you see someone 4bet bluffing EP vs X, make a note and then you have more information on how to play those spots later.
can see folding after 3bet, because his size is too big to call and we will be playing OOP which is sucks a lot. But I like 3bet and it is best play
And yep do you have information on villian?
Unfortunately I had 0 hands on the player. My viewing back was a fold to his 4 bet.
Honestly, this looks fine to me. If stacks weren't 200bb deep then folding to the 4 bet looks like it would probably be the play. I think that you'd also probably have to call the flop bet if you had a club in your hand.
I'm folding to a 4bet. UTG 4bet size is so absurd that we can get away with that. I don't think we want any sort of calling range againts such a big 4bet OOP, and shoving is probably a mistake aswell.
I think I agree with just a fold preflop to the 4Bet...
But I am very curious about this spot. You say that we don't want any sort of calling range against such a big 4Bet OOP...Not saying I disagree per se, but I feel like my instinct would be to call if I had AA in this spot...But I haven't thought about what that does to the rest of my range.
What hands are you continuing with here, and how? What do you do with AA, KK, QQ, and AK?
I missed the fact that we're 200bb deep tbh...
With these deeper stacks we can call some hands, but I'm still really worried about the 4bet. In villains shoes it's so easy to end up just 4betting aces while calling pretty much all the other hands in position... Really shitty spot with hands like JJ or AKo.
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