[z10] herocall R top pair good kicker

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[z10] herocall R top pair good kicker

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) BN: $28.61
SB: $10.00
BB: $23.82
UTG: $14.14 (Hero)
MP: $10.00
CO: $8.48
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is UTG with T Q
Hero raises to $0.30, MP folds, CO calls $0.30, 2 folds, BB calls $0.20
Flop ($0.95) Q 6 6
BB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $0.60, BB folds, Hero calls $0.60
Turn ($2.15) Q 6 6 J
Hero checks, CO checks
River ($2.15) Q 6 6 J K
Hero checks, CO bets $1.62, Hero calls $1.62

Villain is playing 29/21 over 24 hands. Flop we could go either way, I think, especially with the backdoor hearts draw, but QTs is close to my bottom of Qxs, so a check should be reasonable.

My thought process on the river was the following: we block AT and T9 and he should not too often in his flop betting range anyway. QJ and KQ should continue to barrel turn. AK should 3bet preflop and most likely barrels turn. I am aware that he has not too many busted FDs and there are a few Kxc in his range, but his value range should also not be too large? Does that make sense?


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benvelezp 4 years, 9 months ago

I would prefer a small bet on the flop. You're 3 ways so you could use some protection from over cards and can get value from flush draws and maybe even some middling pairs.

As played it's a very clear call on flop and natural check on turn, on the river its very close, I think i would call just given the hand was played so passively.

Definitely don't like the way the hand was played, it doesn't give any clarity about the villain's range and on large river bets it's going to be hard to know where your hand stands. It's possible villain may try to bluff you given your ch ch/c ch line, but villain was also able to realize their equity so they could have easily backed into a pair of kings or a straight. He could just have AT the way it played.
He could just be taking a stab on the flop, so since it went check check on turn I think a big part of his range is largely untouched. So it's possible he has more combos of Kx than you may expect.

Jeff_ 4 years, 9 months ago

Think cbetting flop with every Qx in your range is unbalanced(vs 2 recs not caring much) and marginal. Firstly most of your Qx not strong enough to bet few streets (equilab can help, vs continuing range you are doing not the best but obviously ahead because they should peel most PP vs 1 street; and worse Qx vs 2)
Secondly - when you go on check flop line you are pretty much waked to never have Qx which vs some people will be bad. Some players likes to stab vs miss cbet (can be 70-100% of the time) and therefore not having anything decent to defend isn't appealing.

I would call river in regular speed tables(zoom I prefer fold, plenty of nits and less spzzano) but close to not matters much.

quixoticflux888 4 years, 9 months ago

Meh, looks standard. I don't think you want to protect a queen high pair with middle kicker, hand is too weak to worry about protecting. This is a "check/call" kind of hand for me, especially in the three-way pot -- I'm not trying to aggressively win this pot, I'm trying to bluffcatch against mild c-bets and weak value bets (worse queens and low pocket pairs, maybe some JTs J9s Jto J9o kinda stuff on the turn) from opponents.

IMO you can consider this hand completely standard. You made the right move every step of the way, river call is good, the board kinda sucks with the king on the river but it's way too easy to overfold rivers even at this stake so imo you've done the right thing.

_michael_ 4 years, 9 months ago

I don't mind call or fold on the river really it's close. If you are betting most stronger queens on the flop then I think you have to call river with this, as you will be folding your middling PPs and missed FDs.

Player behind us can show up with hands like AT KT KJ that stabbed flop and got there, and KQ.

They can also bluff river with some underpairs, flush draws or no low equity flop stabs that decide to bluff river, and we don't block clubs.

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