z10 AK pre vs nit open and aggro player 3 bet
Posted by Eriol
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Low Stakes
z10 AK pre vs nit open and aggro player 3 bet
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $6.24
SB: $15.19
BB: $12.64
UTG: $10.53
MP: $22.33 (Hero)
CO: $16.38
SB: $15.19
BB: $12.64
UTG: $10.53
MP: $22.33 (Hero)
CO: $16.38
Hero is MP with
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Final Pot
CO wins $11.58
Rake is $0.67
Rake is $0.67
UTG is 18/12 over 34 hands
CO is 20/16/9.8 3b% over 208 hands
Flat to the open could be a mistake, but I'm trying to mix it up vs early opens by nits. I feel like by 3betting AKo I'll just make him folds hands I dominate.
Plan vs the squeeze was to 4b, but once the nit 4 bets I think his range is just QQ+/AK
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seems fine. I don't know if utg can be considered a nit with a 34 hand sample but regardless this is going to be a marginal spot for us if we choose to continue in some way.
I agree with the fold. UTG is 4Betting small, for 30% of his stack, and against two players. This range is just far too strong, imo.
I like the fold.
And I definitely think mixing flatting (the original raise) and 3Betting is good in this spot.
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