w/TPTK vs 3bettor
Posted by curvafb
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Low Stakes
w/TPTK vs 3bettor
Hello everybody,
What do you think turn and river ? I check back turn for pot control.. do you think it's ok ? and why ? opponent is reg player. and 25/18 and 8 3bet.. CB: 69 turn cbet: 43 fold to float turn: 69 in 4K hands.. what do you think ? what's the best play for you ?
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Our only problem is that he's sometimes checking there with AA-QQ i guess.
He shouldnt really cbet very often in 3way there with AK/AQ. He also should very often continue with his draws, so we are not loosing value vs. those and also we dont really should fear any rivercards.
I feel like you have at least one vbet and there is not big diffrence if you are gonna take it on turn or on river.
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