Would u call this??
Posted by FlowPoker
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Low Stakes
Would u call this??
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $58.61
SB: $11.04
BB: $10.10 (Hero)
UTG: $33.79
MP: $10.10
CO: $12.59
SB: $11.04
BB: $10.10 (Hero)
UTG: $33.79
MP: $10.10
CO: $12.59
Hero is BB with
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We had no info on the Villain, but he certainly has 2pair+. But i tought even if he only shoves Sets and straights we still have around 45% (worst case scenario). But i guess he shoves 2pairs+ and possible some Acxc some lower draws... or even some random shove with AA or A9 with the A of clubs? Wich would prob make around 55% chance of winning.
But still with the rake and all, do u still think this is profitable call? or too marginal to take this spot?
But still with the rake and all, do u still think this is profitable call? or too marginal to take this spot?
He ended up Having 98 of spades for top 2 pair.
Wich Hands would u call here? We certainly have better hands to call, like all the 107o Combos or even 10c7c(Nuts) 75o and 7c5c 2nd Nuts, i dont have any Sets here, cuz i would raise them pre flop.
Wich Hands would u call here? We certainly have better hands to call, like all the 107o Combos or even 10c7c(Nuts) 75o and 7c5c 2nd Nuts, i dont have any Sets here, cuz i would raise them pre flop.
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I would fold against the unknown. Simply because it's going to be a marginal call at best against his range and it can be heavy on your mental game when you loose a stack in a limped pot like that. Not to mention you'll doubt your decision for the rest of your session. Just focus on spots that matter and make sure you play well there and print money on microstakes.
Calling is not a mistake(at least not a big one), but I prefer to avoid high variance spots where your EV is about breakeven and possibly negative.
I would call this shove with sets or better, but if you raise PP preflop, then you're left with straights only which is perfectly fine with such a huge SPR.
P.S.: I agree with raising preflop. Forgot to mention that.
I like to raise pre with high frequency this hand plays well IP and should be in raising range high freq imo.
You have 47% vs 2p+ but still I don't think its quite worth it with 5% rake, Even when giving villain all Axcc we only have 49% with 2bb invested.. Fold
I'm calling all day. Villain limped bvb at stakes where it's likely not correct to do so given rake and then check jammed for a full stack in a small pot, there's no way that his range is 2Pair+ here.
In BB vs SB, raise PF: even if you are the coolest person IRL, tell the villains that, if they want to see a flop for cheap from the SB, they will have to call an extra.
Versus a X / R all-in, the question to ask is not with which hands to call, but with how much minimal equity to call. And the answer is got by calculating first the risk-reward, then the number of outs, finally the outs equity. If you do not know them yet, here are the formulas:
the risk-reward formula: risk ÷ (risk + reward);
the outs equity on 1 street to come: number of outs x 2;
the outs equity on 2 streets to come with less than 9 outs: number of outs x 4;
the outs equity on 2 streets to come with 9 outs or more: number of outs x 3 + 9.
You are told to risk $9.85 to be awarded $10.20, which means you need 49% equity to call (9.85 ÷ [9.85 + 10.20] ≈ 0.49). You have 15 outs on 2 streets to come, which give you 54% equity (15 x 3 + 9 = 45 + 9 = 54). That means you have enough equity to call. In other words, as played flop, this is an easy call.
The villain may X / R all-in not only with two-pairs, sets or straights, but also with just a TP or MP in a panic and even a single FD (depending on how fishy the villain can be).
By the way, nice straight flush. ;-)
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