Winrate nl100 zoom by positions
Posted by Adasiek
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Low Stakes
Winrate nl100 zoom by positions
Those are my winnings by position after bigger sample of nl100 zoom. Is any position particularly terrible? Maybe some good reg has posted his positional winnings?
SB - 28,13 BB
BB - 40,20 BB
EP + 5,24 BB
MP + 10,27 BB
CO + 24,35 BB
BU + 46,89BB
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sb: bit low
bb: ok
ep: really low
mp: ok
co: good
btn: crushing
I have a big sample of regulars for the zoom 100 pool. Against their positional win rates as well as mine this is how i think you stack up.
I checked I have SBvsBB spot (I am on SB) -26,01BB. Is that super low?
Seems a bit low. Making an alias compiled of regulars to compare win rates against is helpful in spots like this.
How many hands is this over?? Winrates can vary so much over even 100k samples.
EP, needs work, you should be able to double this.
SB, should be aiming for around 15-19bb/100.
BB, can do with improvement also, should be able to get it down to around -30 with some work.
Everything else looks fine, and Btn is pretty sweet! :)
I never understood how people can get a bb winrate like that lol. It is my absolute dream
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