Why 3bet more vs stronger range/bigger raises?

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Why 3bet more vs stronger range/bigger raises?

It seems counter intuitive for my human brain, but why do solvers do this?

Examples: Snowie thinks 3betting AQs/AJs vs a 3x UTG Open when you are in MP significantly increases its EV (its 2x the EV to 3bet), where as doing so on the BTN vs the same UTG open is marginal (Similar EV +- 0.01, close to 3bet/call mix strategy). Also, vs a 3x BTN raise, SB can fold some suited Ax, but if its a pot sized BTN raise, all Axs gets 3bet. Finally, there are postflop spots where opponent range is super strong and facing a pot size bet where calling with a draw is terrible and folding feels bad, Snowie just wants to 3bet for 0 ev lol.

I don't know if the other AI/Solvers do the same, but its something I've never fully understood. If your opponent is stronger/betting big, don't you want to fold your weakest hands and 3bet less? Does GTO just 3bet more and call the same range?

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