Why 3bet more vs stronger range/bigger raises?
Posted by Gino Song
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Gino Song
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Low Stakes
Why 3bet more vs stronger range/bigger raises?
It seems counter intuitive for my human brain, but why do solvers do this?
Examples: Snowie thinks 3betting AQs/AJs vs a 3x UTG Open when you are in MP significantly increases its EV (its 2x the EV to 3bet), where as doing so on the BTN vs the same UTG open is marginal (Similar EV +- 0.01, close to 3bet/call mix strategy). Also, vs a 3x BTN raise, SB can fold some suited Ax, but if its a pot sized BTN raise, all Axs gets 3bet. Finally, there are postflop spots where opponent range is super strong and facing a pot size bet where calling with a draw is terrible and folding feels bad, Snowie just wants to 3bet for 0 ev lol.
I don't know if the other AI/Solvers do the same, but its something I've never fully understood. If your opponent is stronger/betting big, don't you want to fold your weakest hands and 3bet less? Does GTO just 3bet more and call the same range?
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When MP 3bets AQs vs calling UTG, if he calls he is sometimes playing a multi-way pot, often OOP. Mostly due to BB getting a great price on an overcall.
Also open to squeeze.
By 3betting he is playing a HU pot much more often IP.
The ev gain mostly due to position acquisition?
Button already has position, 3bet or not, so it doesn't have the corresponding gain in EV of acquiring position.
Yes position does have to do with it. But check this out: 3betting AQs in MP vs a pot size open is less EV than doing so vs a 3x open. But when its BTN vs BB, 3betting a hand like QJs has higher EV vs bigger opens. So against a min raise QJs is indifferent to 3bet or calling, but has the opening sizes goes up, 3bettings EV goes up.
This is mostly about the theoretical difference of structure in villains range:
Bigger raisesize equals more FE and this equals a bigger amount of bluffs (in total, not in relation to the whole range). So a bigger raise should be more polar than a smaller one.
So we defend this by playing a strong linear range that expands relative to the openingsize. So these edgy hands you mentioned slip into the 3bettange this way (theorywise this would even get wilder if we face like 5x open or even more).
+facing a polar range makes blockers to villains valuerange more important. So esp these suited Ax-combos are good candidates now.
But i would usually not apply this theory totally in practice: in most cases bigger raises simply means stronger habnds.
3 betting PSB vs a PSB open gives opponent less implied odds so more FE and higher EV. Snowie also gives a lot of weight to being IP.
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