Where to get free sims for GTO+?
Posted by Rolette
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Low Stakes
Where to get free sims for GTO+?
Got myself a GTO+ thingy and got a bit overwhelmed insta. I think first thing to do is to look at sims that already exist that other ppl made (should be a lot of them somewhere, I suppose), but I don't know where to get them. Does anyone know some decent sites or forum threads or whatever where I can look for free ones? I'm interested in multi-board sims for specific spots as I imagine that would be a nice way to go about this, but I'm free to suggestions. If someone wants to share his sims that would be dope. Also interested in your general strategic approach to work with solver. How would you go about it if you got it today?
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Zenith poker
I got those. Anywhere else?
I'm not sure about their ranges honestly. They use Monker stuff and some things there are a bit too GTOish. I'm looking at SBvsBU 3bt sim and there is 99, QJs, KTs being 3bet at 50%. Don't know what to make of it.
I don't understand? You want sims that are less GTO?
Their preflop ranges are taken from Monker solver that splits everything in like 6 different sizes, so taking one part of Monker's strat for a specific size and threating it as a full blown range is a bit dicy to me. This leads to ranges where 66-99 gets 3bet SBvsBU 50%, which I think makes sense in overall Monker's strat in that spot, but pretty far from strategy overall. Basically I would like sims that are solved for PF ranges for 1 size (like GTO Wizard for example), not for a part of 6 different sizes strategy. Does that make sense to you?
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PM'd you.
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