Whent to use Solvers?
Posted by kenjigye
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Low Stakes
Whent to use Solvers?
Hi Everyone!
I wanna know when should be better to invest in Solvers, right now I started to play NL10 zoom.
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That's a pretty complicated question to answer.
It depends on several factors whether you want to start using solvers right away.
Mostly on how well you process the information from the outcome of your sims and how you use that information in your own games (which is key to solvers)
It also really depends on what your goals are, are you looking to battle highstakes? You want to become a midstakes winner or maybe a low stakes winning grinder on weekends.
My personal opinion:
I think up to 50-100nl focussing on learning the absolute basics and nailing that stuff should be your main focus. Focus on learning a solid preflop and flop strategy and exploit the lowstakes pool by being more solid than them. To accomplish this I think a solver is rather useless, get your information/study time from the hundreds of video's and courses out there.
I think finding yourself a study partner to discuss hands with on a daily basis will also be very helpful. I think this will be the best way to start grinding yourself up to stakes where using a solver will be more of a must.
I get what you're saying but I think there's something to be said for learning it right the first time and not having to unlearn bad habits, this just comes from the perspective of someone moving up through micros by pouring over pio rather than playing exploitatively. I don't think it's necessary to win as you say, but it is nice to be continually making small adjustments to increase the efficiency of your strategy rather than radically overhauling how you play a spot based on population or specific player tendencies.
I also think solvers get a bad rep in the sense that everyone seems to think that they are going to make your strategy massively more complicated to execute but I've found that they've actually done the opposite and given me a lot clearer picture of how to play various spots. Just my view on the matter and I think both ways can work but I've just heard it too commonly espoused that GTO has no place in the micros which I don't really think is true and whilst that's not what you're saying I wanted to add this so it wasn't interpreted in such a manner.
Incorporate it into your study time when in Micros and increase per stake but primarily focus on learning the theory inside out. (What I was advised)
What RIO videos or other info would you recommed for "learning theory inside out"???
I'm coming back to online 6m cash after several years as a weekend player
MinimalMan just said it in one sentence what I was trying to say in a whole page :D
Haha - I read yours and it made me think of that!
Stanners From the Ground Up is a good start...Other than that as many as you can and listen to what they're saying about different spots really carefully. A 45 minute video might take 90 minutes to watch with stopping/starting/rewinding etc.
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