When we should advance to complex concepts?
Posted by Mancuso
Posted by Mancuso posted in Low Stakes
When we should advance to complex concepts?
We often struggle at microstakes trying to apply/understand or copycat some complex concepts that higher stakes players do.
This can be tricky, winning in the short run can trick our minds pretending we are doing the correct and exact thing, for example trying to copycat some overbet spots or mixing complex frequencies.
If we only apply the basics, blocker effects, thinking about ranges in a simple way, we can be profitable. My question is, when should we give the next step to the most complex subjects? I recently won the Elite Plan by being top 5 month user and the majority of the subjects are beautiful, complex and useful, but only for higher stakes. I realized that using the Essential Plan's videos are much more effective for the microstakes players.
Which stakes will require from players these complex subjects? Will it depend on what? Could a 500NL zoom player use only a basic and solid strategy in order to beat the field?
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