When the flop checks through, how should I approach bluffing the turn??
Posted by tbeckett
Posted by tbeckett posted in Low Stakes
When the flop checks through, how should I approach bluffing the turn??
So lets say I'm playing 6max the CO opens and I call in bb.
The Flop comes Ks7d2h
I check in the big blind and the CO also checks.
Turn is 5d
So the board I now Ks7d2h5d
What I should I be thinking about here in terms of bluffing. What hands should I start bluffing the turn with and what hands should
I just check again.
In terms of my range lets break it into two groups.
Hands with obvious board connection. So in this hand it will be diamond flush draws, straight draws like 89, 43
Hands that have still completely missed like j10, 910, Q9 no diamond etc
Am I meant to just bluff every hand in my range when the player shows weakness, and try to steal the pot? Or is there still some checking I need to do? And what determines that check or bluff, what is the thought you use to decide?? How does GTO approach this spot
Thanks for reading
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