What's wrong with my AK?
Posted by Denellus
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Low Stakes
What's wrong with my AK?
Hi there,
so I'm playing 2NL on 4 regular tables and have winrate 14.5 bb/100 over 35k hands and recently, while analyzing my game, I saw that my AKo (16 combos) and my JTs, T9s, 98s and 87s (16 combos all together) have pretty same winrate. Here's two graphs: first one is for AKo and second is for JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s.
It's common for my graphs to have really bad red line as I'm pretty tight and not very aggressive (VPIP/PFR/Agg/3B 19/14/1.6/6, 6-max). So I suppose that I overplay my AKo and have a lot of mistakes with this hand. Here's my stats with different types of hands. "Big ace hands" means just AQ/AK. What can you recommend for me? And which stats are good for AK? How it's better to play them on microlimits? Thanks!
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Sample is not enough imo.
You should keep playing !
you didnt answer any of his 3 questions...if you're going to comment please add value
Yolan answer the most important question actually... is the sample enough to infer something?
No it is not, and it's better to have no information than bad info.
Okay, so what is the value of your comment ?
I’m not an expert with stats but, 35k hands Is not enough to have precise conclusion on winrate/hands.
So I answered question 1 : he should keep playing
First of all, AKo is 12 combos and not 16. So, did you include AKs in your range or is that just a typo?
What is your bb/100 with the 12 or 16 combos?
I agree with the above posters about the sample size, but we can gather some conclusions from it.
My guess would be is that, while a red line is pretty and great, you are blasting opponents off of air and hands that could potentially bluff/value cut themselves on later streets. Of course this is one of several potential spots where you can tone down the aggression and get to showdowns where opponents value cut themselves.
Hi Denellus ,
I think you have to worry about everything except having a decent sample size.
The only reality here and after 35k hands is that your game can't be good with this kind of stats; my suggestion is to use the resources on RIO to start learning at least the foundamentals (e.g. From The Ground Up is something like pure gold as starting point and, or if you need more basics contents the essential subscription is plenty of videos with this purpose). I hope you don't misunderstand my tones, but I'm just trying to make the problem present to you very clearly and also offer you a solution.
Stop thinking to AK, stop analyzing this kind of thing, start to build the foundation for a solid game and your next AKs will follow (as any other hand).
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