What's the best play here?

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What's the best play here?

Hero (SB): €3.07 (153.5 bb)
BB: €2.00 (100 bb)
UTG: €2.11 (105.5 bb)
CO: €1.11 (55.5 bb)
BTN: €1.92 (96 bb)

Hero posts SB €0.01, BB posts €0.02

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.03) Hero has Ks Ah
2 folds, BTN raises to €0.06, Hero raises to €0.24, fold, BTN calls €0.18

Flop #2: (€0.50, 2 players) 6h Ts Jh
Hero checks, BTN bets €0.26, Hero calls €0.26

Turn #2: (€1.02, 2 players) Js
Hero checks, BTN checks

River #2: (€1.02, 2 players) 8d
Hero checks, BTN bets €0.80, Hero folds

Results: €1.02 pot (€0.06 rake)
Final Board: 6h Ts Jh Js 8d

BTN wins €0.96


Preflop I am good but then I feel I played poorly...
Is it ok to check call the flop? Would it have been better to bet or check raise? (with 2 overs, straight draw and backdoor flush draw I think so)
Is it ok to fold to a 80% pot size bet on the river after vilain checked the turn? When he checks this turn I feel he's very strong or has nothing; with draws he would have continued to bet and with this river a lot of draws have missed so maybe a call is fine? What do you think?



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jsimon101 2 years, 5 months ago

I would bet the flop small 1/4 sizing with the Ah... As played I would be betting the turn - and if not there then otr. ... but yeah not much you can do when you check it down and he bets 80% - just have to let it go now.

Gino Song 2 years, 5 months ago

the best play here is probably the easiest line - just barrel and try to get it in with you hit a pair or straight and check give up when you miss

RaoulFlush 2 years, 5 months ago

Line seems ok to me tbh...in this scenario villains range interacts decently with the flop (JJ/TT/JTs and 66 are all in his range) and so checking a high frequency is fine.
Still a chance to get checked down OTR and beat AQ or sometimes even KQ...So I would say AK is still a bit too strong to bluff the river with.

i-hate-soup 2 years, 5 months ago

Looking at this from a theory perspective we are supposed to Cbet here 80% of the time AhK, Both GTO wizard and Snowie want us to Cbet half pot with this hand. Check is not a huge mistake..

I would really like to understand why we want to be betting here often. our equity with this hand is 80% VS GTO wizards Button Calling range

RaoulFlush 2 years, 5 months ago

The problem is, that pools under4bet the BU by a ton. Theorywise BU is supposed to 4ball JJ, KQ and TT on a decent frequency which at most stakes up to Nl100 is basically not the case.
Still QQ are flatted quite often here…Thats why imo checking is fine while i still tend to bet here mostly with AK as well. Its a more simple way to play my (polarized) 3betting-range that also hits this board decently.
So i guess checking or cbeting small shouldnt differ much in EV

i-hate-soup 2 years, 5 months ago

Thats fair raoul. Your right the micro stakes 3bet flating range is allot different then theroy. It would be good if we good put the micro flatting range into solver and see if the solver wants us to check our AK. When I have more time I will look deeper into this.


sjfraley1975 2 years, 5 months ago

Would a x-r be entirely out of line on this flop? We are blocking the best two Jacks, best two Tens, many of the best heart draws, and the draw to the nut straight. We have a decent chance to get bare PPs TT or worse to fold the better hand, and having nothing better than the nut high card hand has us very vulnerable so we benefit a lot from getting opponents to fold their equity.

RaoulFlush 2 years, 5 months ago

On a board that is bad or neutral for our range we usually construct a fairly polar XR-range. I didn't check a solver, but im pretty sure that we have a wild and mixed XR-range in this spot with a lot of hands that fit following criteria:

  • bad SDV
  • decent equity on further streets or
  • bad equity but good blocker properties to Villains calling range

Beside holding the Ah (blocking villains calling range) I guess that AK doesn't fit either of this criteria.
Also: In Theory BU is supposed to start bluffing small OPs on a decent frequency which I also don't think population does often enough. So I doubt that we get other PPs or Tx folding often enough to make our AK a good XR combo.

Edit: Couldn't resist to check wizard lol...
Seems that AKo gets more XR here than I thought (23%) and the heart blocker seems to be very relevant.
So the combos that unblock Villains B/C range (spades/diamonds) or the Kh are XR fairly frequently or for the Kh even pure...



...im pretty sure that if we node lock pin to under4bet JJ/TT/KQ pre and to not start bluffing small PPs OTF, that the XR-frequency will drop heavily

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