What to spend 100$ on?
Posted by MulderFBI
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Low Stakes
What to spend 100$ on?
Hello. I was recently thinking about buying some software to help work with my game. As I am currently playing NL10 I would like to get some advice what software will currently benefit me the most. I must underline that 100$ is currently 1/3 of my roll but I don't mind spending it if it helps me develop in the longrun or even force to move down. Here are the options I am considering
1) Buy a solver - as PIO is too expensive for me at that time I was thinking about getting cheaper alternative of GTO+ + CREV for 80$.
2) Buy a yearly Snowie sub for 99$
3) Buy a Simple GTO Trainer - 1 year core pack for 79$
I am also considering just keeping that amount which could give me 4 months access to the RIO essential sub. I was also thinking about getting some coaching but 100$ is not enough to afford substantial amount of coaching sessions.
So what are your thoughts guys? Thanks!
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You have a bunch of options there and many of them could work out well for you but I would say definitely don't use $100 on coaching. I think that for that amount of money you're either going to get barely any hours or you're going to get some pretty meh level coaching.
Hey MulderFBI,
I agree with James Hudson that trying to find coaching for $100 will just be a waste of money. From the options you have listed I would strong lean towards CREV; it will force you to construct your ranges and help you visualize poker situations. It's much more of a hands-on learning tool as opposed to the solvers. I think designing your own ranges is something important to work on at lower stakes - trying to play optimal poker isn't as relevant as understanding range interactions and what our opponents are likely doing wrong.
Cheers and good luck.
Dziękuję :)
Hey guys... what is better? GTO+ or CREV? I would like to purchase one of them in the future. I never used a similar program. It looks to me like GTO+ is a "newer" version of CREV? Or what exactly is the difference? And I play NL5
GTO + is a solver so it'll spit out the correct answer for what your play should be with different hands given the inputs that you give it. CREV allows you to build decision trees by inputting ranges at every step for your opponent and seeing how different hands fare at different points in the tree given the ranges and sizes used.
CREV, if I had to differentiate between the two, is more for exploitative play and inputting specific post flop ranges for opponents.
Check out their websites CREV and GTO + to get a better idea though before making a decision.
Hey man. GTO+ license is included when You purchase CREV so no need to decide on only one.
"When purchasing CardRunnersEV, a license for our new equilibrium software GTO+ is included in the price. For more information on GTO+""
Source: http://www.cardrunnersev.com/registration.html
oh nice... thank you !!!! :)
Thanks for all the responses, from my knowledge if you buy either CREV or GTO you get license for other software for free.
Hey guys, my good poker friend was that nice and give me Crev license.
I would like to ask if u can recommend some videos of using this soft.
And if someone using this program and want to help 25nl reg will be nice too.
Cheers :)
There are some good videos in the Tools For Online Play learning path which you can find here.
Pokersnowie is really good because u can have a lot of guideline on both preflop and postflop(include multiway situation).
And it is very easy to use.
Although snowie's solution is not the best play sometimes in some situation,but it still is a very powerful tool for micro/small stakes player.you can have a trial for free as well.
Keep your $100 and play more poker. GTO not really relevant until you're playing a lot bigger anyways
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