What kind of hand to xc turn?

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What kind of hand to xc turn?


On the turn I want to know what kind of hands I prefer to xcall with.

Flop xc range

*Turn: 3S*
On the turn I want to know how many equity my hands has vs a likely barrel range.

His barrel range: Q7+ almost any draw

55 has 36% equity vs this range
99 - 34% equity
45 - 40% equity
AJ - 37% equity
AK- 40% equity
89- 41% euity

I think anything with >40% equity is good enough to call turn.

In that case I will call a lot of my flop xc range also on the turn. I guess my fold to his cb is only 20-25%. GTO wise his blufs needs 39% FE to make auto profit on turn, but his blufs still has equity so he needs less FE than 39%. So is defending more than 61% makes sense(is this true?)

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