What is the difference between 6max and 9max players?
Posted by Pokerlogical
Posted by Pokerlogical posted in Low Stakes
What is the difference between 6max and 9max players?
Hey guys so I recently played a couple of hands at NL2 6max and NL2 9max at the same time (zoom).
And interestingly I found out that there is a crucial difference between 9max and 6max players.
9max players fold. 6max players don't fold.
I have tried about 8 different bluffing techniques like overbetting, check/raising turn, just bet/bet/betting it off as a bluff and several different techniques yet at 6max the players called me down with middlepair and such. I just couldn't believe it.
Are 6max players just sharks?
At the same time I was doing exactly the same at Fullring and the people there gave me a lot more credit and actually folded!
Does that mean that my playing style is better suited for fullring or does it maybe even suggest that 9max players are weaker/more faceup.
Do fullringplayers look like that?
I can say for a fact that calling down with middlepair is not profitable longterm, still you'll find many players that do this. But why can we not find those players at 9max? Did these fish get stacked because they were bluffcatching too much vs those sneaky nits :)? And then, did these fish get eventually replaced by weak regs that are way too easy to bluff?
But if it's like this, why aren't the fish dying that call way too much at 6max? Is it because of people like me, that bluff shovel chips in their mouth (lost 10 bucks today)?
A little bit offtopic but I get frequently 3bet by people that I have no sample on... I know that I fold too much to 3bets but it doesn't bother me until someone exploits it but the only way to exploit this is if they bought hands. However I believed that it's not possible to buy hands anymore...do you know anything about it (I know we shouldn't post links about illegal stuff but a simple yes or no would suffice)?
Like is it still possible to buy hands?
a bit tilted regards,
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