What is better to shove on Turn or call

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What is better to shove on Turn or call

Dear Friends,

Live game
1/2 USD

I am on CO with Ad9d diamonds raising 11 USD, tight player from BB call. I don't have any accurate notes on this player.

POT (23 USD)
Flop come Jd7h6s i c bet 12 USD, BB calls

POT (47 USD)
Turn come 8d
Now i have flush draw with straight draw and i c bet 26 USD and opponent raise me to 60 USD
Now Pot 47 + 26 + 60 = 133 USD
I have 120 USD behind. It is 34 USD to call or 120 USD to push.
I think opponent range there 67, 68, 87, 66, 77, J8 it is all 42 combos if i push 120 USD(for 133) i think he fold 67, 68, 87 and calls with J8, 66, 77(15 combos)
15/42 = 35% he calls me.
So it looks better to push then to call ? i understand that after my shove pot will be 253 USD and he need to put only 86 USD, but i sure that he can fold 67, 87, 86.
Even if i put to range 88, T9 straight, it will be combo 61 and after my shove and fold of 68, 67, 87 it will be 34 combos to call 55% that he calls but some times after his call i win with on river with Flush o straight.

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Maybe you know any software that can calculate all this and can help me with accurate calculation.

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