What do you do with AQ, AJs facing a 3 bet
Posted by B Wylie
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B Wylie
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Low Stakes
What do you do with AQ, AJs facing a 3 bet
I find myself possibly burning money when say I'm in the BB, EP raises 3x, SB 3 bets 3x and I have AQo, AJs. Also 88-99 I'm unsure of aswell. I was thinking maybe if I know the sb is aggressive mix in some 4 bets however if no reads may need to fold these hands. I find myself flatting a lot, missing flops or even hitting the Q or J as top pair and have to fold to 2nd and 3rd street barrels.
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I don't see any problem in folding these hands when EP and SB are regs.
SB 3b range to EP open should be quite tight.
If SB is on the aggro side or EP is weak and SB an aware reg I could see a 4b/f with blockers (AQ/AJ/KQ).
Don't really like cold calling the 3 bet, unless I expected EP to basically never 4b, and I prefer the call with pairs.
Fold would be my baseline in the scenario you painted. Having a harder time when ranges are wider.
Just fold all of those hands. My continuing range would be something like JJ+ and AK, maybe AQs and TT. I"m not convinced that having a coldcall range is these situations is a good idea, so I'm just 4betting all hands that I continue with.
Same here. AQo is a hand that you could choose to 4 bet bluff with but it's going to play awful if you flat it vs an EP open and a 3 Bet.
Would you 4b/call JJ?
Probably not versus most players but the players involved in the pot will matter here.
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