What are considered good reg stats?
Posted by darren2607
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Low Stakes
What are considered good reg stats?
I am interested in finding any obvious leaks in my game, but I am not sure exactly what I am looking for in the stats on HM3.
I have recently moved up to 10NL, and over 8k hands my basic stats are as follows:
bb/100 +20.85
VPIP 27.7
PFR 19.6
3bet 10.6
Fold to 3bet 43%
AF 1.55
cbet 57.5%
Fold to cbet 54%
W$WSF 43.6%
WTSD% 33.3%
W$SD% 53.3%
Looking at these after watching the HM3 instructional videos, I think my W$SD% is a bit high, probably meaning I am not bluffing enough which is something i am conscious of and need to work on more.
Does anything else stand out? or are there other key stats i need to be looking at?
Thanks for your help
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Your wwsf is very low, also you should think about folding more to 3bet - rake on nl10 is high and your opponents are under3betting. You should also increase aggression - AF should be around 2.0 if not higher.
oh really? from what i have read and seen, my wwsf is in a reasonable area. my aggression could be higher for sure
Its in reasonable area for 9max games. For 6max games 43% is very low, majority of good regs have at least 48% WWSF.
OK, thanks. Good to know. I do slightly lean on the fit or fold style given the way other people play at these stakes
Fold to 3-bet seems low. Generally is closer to 50%. Especially when people aren't 3-betting enough. These low fold to 3-bet stats can come from a tight opening range but that isn't the case here.
AF tends to be closer to 2. But it's ok.
Fold to cbet is to high. 54% is just brutal high. Consider your opponent pot bets we would still need to defend more than 50%. Most people are far from cbetting pot so we need to fold to 3-bet closer to 40%.
WWSF seems low. I would estimate you are folding often vs aggression. Should show in your redline. Then again, 8k sample is just low.
Thanks. I will bear the fold to 3bet point in mind. But it doesnt take account of size of 3bet, and some people at this level offer very good odds to call even in position. Overall I am winning quite healthily in 3bet pots, but will look at opportunities to lay it down preflop more.
You are right that i often fold to aggression whcih i would like to think is mainly exploitative at these stakes since people seem to underbluff. I do need to work on how to deal with/float cbets better
The WWSF is low but it can be because on 10nl you have a ton of multiway pots. Is that the case?
That being said, even if it's low, there are games where a passive tight approach is better, the problem with getting used to that approach is that you'll get destroyed in a game where it isn't (games where players are decent).
I think this is true. I think i am trying to be exploitative of the level, and having OK results, but am conscious i dont want to develop bad habits as i move up
Happened to me, was crushing 10nl making 20 euros an hour with similar stats to yours (portugal, good money here) but getting bored. Decided to play higher and zoom, got crushed, had to play 5z for a month to expunge the bad habits without losing money.
Just really try to think about what you would be doign against good oposition and why you are deviating, that should help
You could have a look at the "graphs stats and royal flushes " by carroters..It covers what you ask..
The gap between your vpip and pfr is high, sometimes this is because of multiway pots but consider raising more pre and folding more marginal hands oop pre.
I think 27/20 is too loose. Not that you can't win like this but you're going to give an extra 1.5-2BB/100 to rake with that VPIP compared to playing more TAG 22/17. It's also easier to add more tables when you're more selective pre :)
I would interpret having high WTSD and W$SD as not value betting enough, not that you are not bluffing enough as stated in the OP.
Still, worry about hand reading instead and don't read into W$WSF and fold to CB. Don't bet just to take down more pots or call more CBs just to improve your numbers. I mean I'm sure there are some areas where you can start taking pots w/o SD, but just keep putting in volume, posting trouble spots and the experience will take over.
+1 for low fold to 3b because small stakes population has more people doing silly things like clicking it back as a 3b.
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